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Taxpayer, they say April is the cruelest month. And I
know why: this week, YOU are forced to pay $20 billion to the IRS for
experiments on animals like dogs.
I’m proud to work for the ONLY organization to have successfully taken the fight
to Uncle Sam’s white coats—and won. No other group has shut down a single government dog lab in nearly 20 years!
The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is on a mission to get the U.S. government out of the dog testing business . We’re fighting to end these experiments at the National Institutes of Health
(NIH)—the kingpin of wasteful government spending.
Below, please find your campaign progress report (and a top 11 taxpayer-funded
target list). Then, tell Congress: don’t waste one more penny on puppy
End NIH Dog Abuse >>
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Justin Goodman
Senior Vice President
White Coat Waste Project
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Our #BeagleGate campaign to end the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) cruel
and wasteful experiments on puppies and dogs has gone viral in recent years.
We’re proud to lead the national effort to expose and defund this waste and abuse. In fact, we’re the
only group to have shut down a government dog lab in nearly 20 years!
Here’s a quick overview of what we’ve uncovered and where we’re headed with
Back in 2016, our Spending To Death report
[[link removed]] first exposed how Dr. Fauci’s in-house labs at the NIH strapped capsules full
of biting sandflies to beagles’ bare skin in maximum pain experiments with no
pain relief.
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In July 2021, we officially launched our #BeagleGate campaign when we exposed,
using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), how Dr. Fauci’s National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) shipped over $400,000 to a lab that infested puppies with biting fli es
[[link removed]] for experiments in which the dogs “vocalized in pain.”
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We subsequently obtained documents showing how these Fauci-funded white coats
callously named the ill-fated puppies after celebrities,
[[link removed]] like Snoop Dogg and Ozzy Osbourne, and then tortured and killed them.
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In August 2021, we exposed how Dr. Fauci’s NIAID shipped part of a $375,000
taxpayer-funded grant to a Tunisian lab that drugged beagles, locked their heads in cag es
[[link removed]] , and let them be bitten on the face by hungry sand flies.
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It gets worse.
In October 2021, we exposed Fauci-funded white coats who wasted over $5 million
to infest 138 beagle puppies with hundreds of mutant ticks each
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The same month, we also uncovered a Fauci-funded lab that wasted $1.68 million
to force-feed puppies experimental drugs and cut out their vocal cords
[[link removed]] so they couldn’t bark or cry out in the lab.
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In November 2021, we uncovered how Fauci-funded white coats wasted part of a $6
million grant to infest b eagles with heartworms
[[link removed]] and then kill the dogs and experiment on the worms.
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In January 2022, our viral #CokeHounds investigation exposed how NIH wasted $2 million to inject beagle puppies with cocaine
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Our Coke Hounds exposé caught Sen. Rand Paul’s attention
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In February 2022, we revealed how an NIH in-house lab bought beagles from the disgraced Envigo
[[link removed]] puppy mill & infected them with pneumonia & septic shock. We also expose d
[[link removed]] how a Fauci-funded lab also bought puppies from Envigo, implanted devices into
them & force-fed them experimental drugs.
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In the Spring of 2022, we blew the lid off Dr. Fauci’s plan
[[link removed]] to waste $1.8 million on a series of five new dog experiments to test an
experimental drug for seasonal allergies (aka, an itchy and runny nose!).
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And then we worked successfully with Sen. Joni Ernst and Rep. Nancy Mace to completely cancel all five of the misguided dog tests
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In September 2022, we uncovered how for 75 years straight the NIH has wasted
tens of millions of tax dollars to fund a lab that breeds hundreds of beagles and other dogs each year to suffer f rom bleeding
[[link removed]] for cruel experiments.
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Just last month, we exposed how the NIH is wasting millions of tax dollars to round up abandoned hounds and infest them with
[[link removed]] sandflies
[[link removed]] in deadly and painful
[[link removed]] experiments.
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As you might imagine, after three years of #BeagleGate, the NIH desperately
wants to keep its wasteful spending on dog torture a secret. So, we’re su ing them
[[link removed]] to force the release of related records. Taxpayers have the right to know who’s
paying the bills and who’s cashing the checks!
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Now, we’re working with Congress on a bipartisan bill to DEFUND the NIH’s wasteful dog tests
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Take Action >>
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[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
Read our Blog [[link removed]]
Visit Our Website [[link removed]]
Make A Donation
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[[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]]White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog.
Contributions are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
You are receiving this email at
[email protected]
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Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-0856543