Williams Weekly                          

Dear Texans,

It's been another busy week in Washington fighting to uphold the values that matter most to you. Read below for more on my work serving Texans.

Always Stand with Israel

My prayers are with the Israeli people as they face vicious Iranian attacks. The House has done its job and passed a standalone Israel aid bill. It’s past time Senator Schumer stop trying to overthrow Israeli leadership and pass the House funding bill that has sat untouched in the Senate for months. Our commitment to our greatest ally should be enough to stand on its own.


Fighting Back Against Biden's Border Invasion

Joe Biden has deliberately opened our nation to bad actors and turned every community into a border community. This week, a man on the U.S. terror watchlist was taken back into custody after he was previously captured at the U.S.-Mexico border and released twice onto American soil. The terror watchlist revealed that Mohammed Karwan is a member of a group responsible for attacks in Afghanistan that killed at least nine American soldiers and civilians from 2013 to 2015. Now more than ever, we must be aware of who is in our country. My bill, H.R. 7733, requiring CBP to detain and screen all migrants against the terrorist watchlist would prevent bad actors from being released into American communities. It’s past time this administration takes accountability and follows House Republicans’ lead to keep Americans safe.

Small Business Committee Hearing

As Chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, I led a hearing focused on how tax policy significantly impacts our nation’s small businesses. As our nation’s job creators continue to face harsh economic headwinds, we must ensure the tax code works for them, not against them. In 2017, under President Trump, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This marked the most significant changes to the tax code in decades which lessened the tax burden on small businesses and provided much needed relief for all Americans. When small businesses get to keep more of their money, they put it to work either in their businesses or their communities. Watch my opening statement here.


Financial Services Committee Hearing

The SEC’s misguided climate crusade has clearly overstepped their statutory authority by requiring excessive costly and detailed climate-related regulations. Instead of meeting the needs of all investors, the SEC is pandering towards progressive shareholders and green activists. This is a dangerous path to go down, as it will have negative consequences for all investors. The SEC must return to their core mission and protect the interests of all investors and public companies, not just those who are fixated on politicizing boardrooms and our capital markets. Watch my line of questioning here.


Met With Sigma Chi Leadership

This week, I had the opportunity to meet with leaders of the Sigma Chi fraternity in my D.C. office. I am proud to represent my fraternity as a Significant Sig and look forward to our continued service together!

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress

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