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Bernie Sanders Get Put In The HOT Seat

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“Last I heard, people in a democracy have a right to vote.” - Bernie Sanders  [image credit : Medium]

It's about time someone asked the important questions.

Recently on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg asked 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) several times why he hasn't dropped out of the democratic primary.

BIG OPPORTUNITY: Dept of Health: 80% of all corona cases are spread by this.

Watch: Are You a Diabetic w/Poor Immunity? (do this and fix it)

Wow: PM2.5 Breathing Masks In Stock – 48HR DISPATCH (USA ONLY)

Goldberg stated, “I have to ask you this question now because...



Fox Throws Trump Under The Bus

According to CNS News, President Donald Trump slammed Fox News White House Correspondent John Roberts after he mentioned that the president was accused of... [READ MORE]

Democrat Calls To REVIVE Obama Policy

Failed 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) insisted that President Trump reopen... [CLICK HERE]

Pelosi Tries To Rig Election

During a recent appearance on CBS’ “Late Show,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) demanded that Democrats get more money in the coronavirus funding bill to help promote... [READ MORE]

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