Dear Patriot, Please give a critical $25, $50, $100 or more IMMEDIATELY to fully fund my crucial lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE. I bet you’ve heard of Zach Rehl. He’s a disabled US Marine, husband, and father. (He received an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, and a 100% disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs.) Zach is also a January 6 peaceful protester, who’s been brutally targeted by Joe Biden’s DOJ and FBI. Around one year ago, the DOJ revealed a shocking secret to Zach and his lawyer: One of the witnesses for Zach’s defense was a FBI snitch -- a Confidential Human Source (CHS) who’d spied on Zach and Zach’s lawyer since April, 2021. And he’d told the FBI and DOJ exactly how Zach was going to defend himself in court. Zach’s attorney filed a motion to compel the FBI to reveal ALL information they got from their snitch, and from any other snitches spying on Zach and his lawyer. Here’s a direct quote from that legal motion: “During this period of time, the CHS has been in contact via telephone, text messaging, and other electronic means, with one or more of the counsel for the defense and at least one defendant. During this time, the CHS also participated in prayer meetings with members of one or more of the defendants’ families. The CHS also engaged in discussions with one of the defendant’s family members about replacing one of the defense counsel.” Can you imagine trusting someone, even praying with him … and then finding out he betrayed you and your family? And revealed your confidential legal defense plan to the Biden Criminal Regime? Let me tell you, I couldn’t be more disgusted with my former alma mater, the Department of Justice. It’s clear that Joe Biden’s lawless DOJ and attack dog FBI won’t let the Constitution or the rule of law stand in their way. They’ll continue to use the federal courts in Washington, D.C. to prosecute and persecute the January 6 peaceful protesters. And if they get away with it, they will come for you, me, our families, and other patriotic Americans, too. In fact, Zach warned his wife, Amanda, about that in a letter: “They are jailing innocent people on bogus and trumped-up charges because those people simply supported the sitting president at the time; which is absolutely insane. If you think it can’t happen to you, look at me, because if it can happen to me, trust me, it can happen to you.” But there’s something you can do about it. I’ve filed crucial lawsuits to FREE January 6 peaceful protesters. Including a critical new lawsuit that PROVES the FBI and other agencies carried out ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE on January 6 patriots. That means their criminal convictions can be THROWN OUT. And their criminal trials MUST STOP. I’m Larry Klayman, founder and general counsel for Freedom Watch. I’m a former federal prosecutor and trial lawyer who’s fought for the American people for 41 years. You’ve seen me on CNN, Fox News, and other cable news outlets. I’m the only lawyer in American history to have a court rule that a sitting President had committed a crime. I guarantee Bill Clinton still remembers me! And I successfully represented the victims of other Clinton scandals, like Filegate, Travelgate, IRS Gate, Chinagate, and many others. I know what it takes to take on federal agencies, politicians, even presidents, and win. And with this critically important case, I can PROVE IN COURT that Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, their departments and agencies at the U.S. Department of Justice ordered and carried out ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE OF LAW-ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZENS! And I’m taking other hard-hitting legal actions to protect our fellow Americans and other endangered rights and liberties. Patriot, PLEASE help me fully fund these crucial fights with your very best gift of at least a vital $25, $50, $100, $250, or more immediately. As you know, very few lawyers are fighting for January 6 peaceful protesters. Some of them have even folded under the intense pressure, and pushed their clients to plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit. But I will FIGHT BACK peacefully and legally, with your vital support. I beg you to help me defend these abused Americans with your critical gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or more right now. Thank you! In Justice, ![]() Larry Klayman Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc. P.S. Patriot, the FBI planted a spy inside the legal defense team of disabled US Marine Zach Rehl, and destroyed his best hopes of going free. Please help me fight back peacefully and legally for all January 6 peaceful protesters with your best gift of at least a vital $25, $50, $100 or more right now. |