TakeAction Minnesota Weekly Wrap  


Dear John,


One thing we’ve noticed during this pandemic is how truly adaptable we are as human beings. Individually and collectively we’ve been able to change quickly to fit the times we’re in.


At TakeAction, we’re changing too. 


In the coming days, we’re rolling out a new campaign we’re calling “100 Days of Justice, Joy and Solidarity.” Our goal is to meet the moment we’re in. This means using every tool we have to build community and solidarity. We’ll be sharing resources, finding joy in the struggle, leaning into each other, growing our political consciousness, and building the people-power we need to make sure no one is left behind in this pandemic.


There is no going back to the world as it was, and we’re all in the process of shaping a new culture, economy, and politics. We’re grateful you’re on this journey with us.


Whatever you’re going through right now, we’re sending you strength and love. We’ll get through this together.


Here’s what we’re reading, watching, and listening to this week:


1. Amazon Strike

“I don’t give a damn about your power. You think you’re powerful? We’re the ones that have the power. Without us working, what are you going to do? You’ll have no money. We have the power. We make money for you. Never forget that.”


After organizing a strike at Amazon’s Staten Island warehouse this week, the company conspired to fire Chris Smalls. Read his message to Jeff Bezos.  

2. Everybody In, Nobody Out

We know we’re going to get through this crisis together or not at all. Any emergency response legislation must include everyone in our communities. We’re all feeling pain in this crisis, but the people who are most excluded are feeling it especially acutely. Read this article about COVID-19 and mixed status families and undocumented workers.  Then, show solidarity by giving to this mutual aid fund.

3. Local Leadership 

Speaking of our undocumented neighbors, today Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey announced a $5 million fund to support renters and small businesses, regardless of their immigration status. This comes after the city of St. Paul passed an emergency bridge fund, allocating $3.3 million to help low-income families.


Our municipal leaders, including Melvin Carter, Jacob Frey, and the city councils in St. Paul and Minneapolis, are stepping up to provide the leadership missing at the federal level. Check out this powerful piece from St. Paul Councilmember Mitra Jalali about our beloved community and the role of cities in responding to COVID-19.

4. Cancel the Rent

Earlier this week, millions of our neighbors struggled to pay their rent. With unemployment skyrocketing and no end in sight to the global pandemic, it’s time to #CanceltheRent. Read the case for a rent moratorium in the New York Times and learn about the city leaders pushing for a national rent suspension. 

5. Pep Talks

“We’re in this together, but in this case, at least six feet apart.”


The comedian Josh Gondelman is known on Twitter for his pep talks. For five or ten minutes, he’ll periodically offer anyone a quick pick me up. Right now, they seem more important than ever. Read more.

6. Not Your Playground

“Wealth is a vector.” A reader sent in this piece about class in a pandemic. Millions of wealthy folks are heading to their second homes in the middle of the global pandemic, and they’re bringing COVID-19 with them. Read more.

7. Justice, Not Charity

Noted wealthy American Mark Zukerberg announced he was donating $25 million (or .03%) of his fortune to fight Coronavirus. Cool. See a visual of how that compares to his entire fortune. And tax the rich.

8. Teach In

More than ever, we are seeing and valuing the critical work of caregiving and reproductive labor. Naomi Klein and Angela Davis held a conversation this week about connection and organizing in this time of physical distance. Bookmark this video to watch later.

9. Abortion Care

In states across the country, Republicans are using the pandemic to restrict access to critical reproductive health care. Find out the latest.

10. Ina Garten

The Barefoot Contessa taught the internet how to make her version of a cosmopolitan earlier this week. Her energy in this video – initially posted on Instagram at 9:30 a.m. – is very relatable right now. Watch it here.  


That’s a wrap. Be well.


-- Kenza Hadj-Moussa and Patrick Burke