

There’s less than three weeks to go to polling day.


We need your help to get as many Greens as possible elected on 2 May.


The Green Party is already a major force in local government. Our councillors deliver in office and hold the other parties to account when not in power.


Now we have plans to grow our councillor numbers further and get a record number of Greens elected.


Just look at the stats:


✅We’re standing candidates in over 93 per cent of councils holding elections


✅We’re working hard to emerge as the biggest party in Bristol, Stroud, Worcester and Hastings and make breakthroughs in Newcastle and Welwyn Hatfield


✅And we’re contesting every Mayoral election across England for the first time – another example of how the party has grown in recent years.


There’s plenty of support for us on doorsteps. People are fed up with broken Britain and want change.


But the other major parties have deeper pockets than we do and are spending millions in what’s a critical election year.


That’s why we must get behind our brilliant, hard working candidates NOW and help them get their message out in time for 2 May.


John, together, we can do it.


Please help by making a donation – big or small – to our local elections campaign.

Thank you for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ