Trump is lying DAILY on television that millions of people are watching, and because the TV networks are covering him live, he goes completely unchallenged. And, his lies are killing people.
Over 50,000 people have signed our petition so far urging TV networks to "STOP covering Trump's lie-filled, dangerous, coronavirus 'briefings' live!” Thousands more have Tweeted to TV news directors. And still more have donated to air our new TV ad exposing Trump’s dangerous lies on Fox News, where it can burst through the misinformation Fox viewers are saturated in.
Rather than focus on how the government can get the most support to the most Americans the fastest, Trump uses these daily briefings as free commercials for his presidential campaign.
And, it's working in exactly the way he wants it to. Since starting the daily briefings, his polling has gone up over 20 points.
The pressure on the TV networks is growing. MSNBC's Chris Hayes is refusing to play audio of Trump's briefing calling it a "genuine threat to public health," and NPR Seattle says it will not air the briefings at all.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Team
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