Paycheck Protection
Program Now Open
The Paycheck Protection Program is now available
to small businesses that collectively employ 60
million Americans. This $350 billion lifeline to
small business was included as part of the
recently-passed CARES Act. The Paycheck Protection
Program loan will be forgiven in full so long as
the businesses adhere to a set of requirements,
including using the loan for payroll costs like
salaries and cash tips, as well as debt obligations
like mortgage, rent, and utitilies.
Resources from Treasury found
Program overview found
If you're a borrower, get information
Advice from a
Frontline Doctor
I encourage everyone to watch
video. From his experience on the frontlines in
the nation's coronavirus hotspot, Dr. David Price
Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City
gives us sound advice, makes the
disease a little less scary, and gives us hope by
empowering us.
I am highlighting Dr. Price's video because it
is important that we don't become gripped with fear
or allow panic to sweep our society.
All of us as individual citizens need to do our
part. That starts with taking our situation
seriously and following Dr. Price's good advice to
do everything we can to avoid contracting or
spreading COVID-19. We don't have to shut down our
entire economy to accomplish that. In fact, it is
essential that we keep as much of it open and
operating as we can.
Read the rest of my comments in
Clear Politics.
Major Disaster Declaration
this week, I lead my colleagues in sending a
letter to President Trump requesting
support for Gov. Tony Evers
major disaster declaration request to assist
Wisconsin's COVID-19 response. The disaster
declaration is crucial to bring much needed
federal dolllars to Wisconsin to win the fight
against coronavirus.
Read the letter
The Census
April 1 was
Census Day. I strongly encourage everyone to
fill out the 2020 Census as soon as possible.
Responding to the census takes less than 10
minutes, and responding online saves taxpayer
money by allowing data to be processed more
information here:
Doing Good
So many
Wisconsin companies are stepping up in a big
way to help with the critical need for
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The
Chairman and CEO of Jockey, based in Kenosha,
was at the White House this week announcing
the manufacturing and donation of surgical
gowns. Read more about their plans