MoveOn has an ambitious plan to take over the front page of The Washington Post with hard-hitting ads calling on Clarence Thomas—who has a clear conflict of interest—to recuse himself from a case that could determine whether Donald Trump can be criminally prosecuted for his crimes.

Dear MoveOn member,

MoveOn has an ambitious plan to take over the front page of The Washington Post with hard-hitting ads calling on Clarence Thomas—who has a clear conflict of interest—to recuse himself from a case that could determine whether Donald Trump can be criminally prosecuted for his crimes.1

But taking over the front page of one of the nation's biggest and most important newspapers isn't cheap: We need to raise $75,000 to take over the front page of their website, which is viewed millions of times every day.

Thankfully, MoveOn members have already donated $22,976. But that means we still have $54,024 to go to meet our goal and blanket The Washington Post with our demand that Thomas recuse himself.

Will you donate $9 to help meet our goal and ensure millions of people see our ad calling on Thomas to recuse himself from the Trump case?

John, taking over The Washington Post front page is critical—and timely—because, on April 25, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in one of the most consequential cases in American history.2

The high court is taking up a case to decide whether Trump—who is facing dozens of felony charges—is immune from criminal prosecution.3

Justice Thomas has a clear conflict of interest because his wife, Ginni, actively participated in the effort to overturn the 2020 election, and it is specifically Trump's charges related to election interference that are at the center of this Supreme Court case.4 If Justice Thomas and the MAGA Supreme Court declare that Trump is immune from criminal prosecution, it would effectively insulate Ginni Thomas from scrutiny about her role in Trump's election interference efforts.5

We have just a matter of days to make enough noise and put enough pressure on Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from the case.

But we know we can succeed. Because we've succeeded before.

In October, Thomas stepped aside from a case involving his former clerk, John Eastman.6 Eastman had corresponded with Thomas's wife, Ginni, about the "Stop the Steal" efforts to falsely claim that the 2020 election was stolen, and he had advocated a fringe legal theory that Vice President Mike Pence could block the certification of President Biden's Electoral College win.7

Now, it's time to turn up the heat again.

Will you donate $9 today to power MoveOn's urgent effort to take over the front page of The Washington Post and sustain our campaign to pressure Thomas to recuse himself from Trump's Supreme Court criminal case?

On average, roughly 60 million individuals visit The Washington Post's website every month.8

That's an average of 2,000,000 people per day—and that's how many people we can ensure see our hard-hitting ads demanding that Thomas recuse himself.

We can make it happen—but only with your help.

Remember, we have just $54,024 left to raise. Will you donate $9 today to make it happen?

Thanks for all you do.

–Mohammad, Gabi, Alexis, Ankur, and the rest of the team


1. "Clarence Thomas's conflict is clear — he must recuse himself from the Trump immunity case," The Hill, March 4, 2024

2. "US Supreme Court sets April 25 Trump criminal immunity argument," Reuters, March 6, 2024

3. "Clarence Thomas's conflict is clear — he must recuse himself from the Trump immunity case," The Hill, March 4, 2024

4. "Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, texts show," The Washington Post, March 24, 2022

5. "Clarence Thomas's conflict is clear — he must recuse himself from the Trump immunity case," The Hill, March 4, 2024

6. "Clarence Thomas recuses himself as Supreme Court rejects ex-Trump lawyer John Eastman's appeal," NBC News, October 2, 2023

7. Ibid.

8. "More than 58 million total digital unique visitors visited The Washington Post in December 2022," The Washington Post, January 20, 2023

Want to support MoveOn's work? The MAGA movement's book bans have forced teachers and librarians across the country to remove books from their shelves and censor what young people can learn. MoveOn is fighting back, including by filling a "Banned Bookmobile" with books that the far right has banned and driving it to key cities and towns to raise the visibility of book bans, hand out banned books for free, and bring people together to stop censorship. To keep up the fight against book bans and the MAGA politicians who support them, we need your help.

Will you make a gift to power MoveOn's critical work?

Yes, I'll chip in.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

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