Nothing like a solar eclipse to remind us how awe-inspiringly majestic our planet is, huh, friend?
Well — unless you’re Marjorie Taylor Greene, who believes that a solar eclipse we’ve known about since 1824 symbolizes God’s endorsement of Donald Trump. OK, Marge. 
You don’t need Newton or Einstein to tell you that the GOP House Majority is run by a bunch of self-serving, scientifically-illiterate stooges who’ll say things even dumber than this to please Dear Leader.
I don’t have any lofty wisdom for you, friend, just two quick reminders:
★ Choose candidates who could pass seventh-grade science when you’re filling out your ballot on Election Day.
★ In the name of science, truth, and democracy, pitch in to help us flip the House blue this November. You and I both know how much is at stake.
Sean Casten