Risk levels are rising, but you are not helpless to make children safer.
Risk levels are rising, but you are not helpless to make children safer.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Internet filters for families, combating the hypersexualization of kids, and more!

Kids online more thanks to COVID-19? Here are five Internet filtering services for families.

Setting up parental controls, limiting screen time, and monitoring your child’s Internet use are all great ways to make sure your child is safe online—especially as officials warn that kids are at increased risk of online exploitation right now. But it is also important to have the extra layer of security that Internet filtering services, which automatically block and filter unwanted sites and ads, can provide.

To help you find the right solution for your family, we’ve compiled a list of five of the top Internet filtering services currently available.
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Healthy or Harmful Children's Dance: What the Experts Say About Hypersexualization

Dance can be a healthy outlet for children both physically and emotionally, allowing them a fun outlet of expression while improving the condition of their heart, reducing risk of osteoporosis, and educating them in a beautiful art form.
In recent decades, however, the culture has seen a dramatic shift away from educational dance. Currently, it’s not uncommon to see hypersexualized dance routines and performances being taught to girls as young as four and five years old.
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How We're Fighting Sexual Exploitation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sexual exploitation is a tragedy whenever and wherever it occurs. One of the pernicious realities of sexual exploitation is that it does not stop, not even during a global health crisis like the novel coronavirus pandemic of 2020.
Not only do sexually exploitative industries, companies, and individuals not stop during crisis, they often try to leverage the ills of a crisis to further their exploitative work.
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Claim Your Free Spot at the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit

Today is the right day to register for your free virtual seat at our online global summit. The fight to end sexual exploitation hasn't slowed down with the rest of the world and your help is vital!
Register for Free

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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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