From Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie <[email protected]>
Subject Ward 5 Report: Coronavirus update and response
Date April 3, 2020 9:47 PM
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We are experiencing some of our country’s most difficult times during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Many residents are feeling the impact of being away from family and friends, economic injury, and the devasting experience of losing someone close to us. As my family and I endure this difficult time with you, know that together we will get through this.

My staff and I, while working remotely, have continued working tirelessly to serve each of you during this unprecedented pandemic. I am communicating daily with the Mayor and District leaders and have hosted conference calls with residents, workers, and small business owners. We are paying special attention to our seniors and residents with limited resources, ensuring access to food and essential services are available.

I encourage all residents to join me, follow the guidance of our health professionals, and flatten the curve.

In service,

For details and the latest updates on the District's response to coronavirus, visit [link removed][UNIQID].
In this issue of the Ward 5 Report:

* Coronavirus Response Update
* The Ward 5 Office is Teleworking
* Small Business and Worker Support
* Legislative Update
* Kenyan in the News
* Mental Health Matters
* DCPS Distance Learning Update
* DC Education Equity Fund Established
* Vote by Mail in the June Primary
* Census 2020 - Be Counted!
* Tax Deadlines Extended
* DC Library Digital Resources

** Coronavirus Response Update
[link removed][UNIQID]
This morning Mayor Bowser made a detailed presentation for the Council and the public on the outlook for the fight against coronavirus in DC. She presented the projected number of cases, as well as projected ([link removed][UNIQID]) healthcare human resource and equipment needs through August.

** The Ward 5 Office is Teleworking
During this time of social distancing, Councilmember McDuffie and staff are teleworking to the largest extent possible. However, they remain hard at work on behalf of Ward 5 residents. You can still call (202) 724-8028 or email any staff ([link removed][UNIQID]) .

** Small Business and Worker Support
* District residents may file for unemployment compensation at ([link removed][UNIQID]) .
* The District's Small Business Microgrant program application window closed on April 1.
* The Paycheck Protection Program “PPP” is part of the most recent federal recovery bill ([link removed][UNIQID]) . It's a vehicle to keep small businesses stay afloat while paying their employees.
* The Small Business Administration (SBA) is providing Disaster Relief Loans ([link removed][UNIQID]) .

** Legislative Update
The Council continues to work while adhering to social distancing practices. Councilmember McDuffie has been taking part in daily briefings from the executive and actively looking for ways DC government can support residents at this time.

On Tuesday, April 7, the Council will hold its regular Legislative Meeting, for the first time in a virtual format. The stream will be broadcast on the Council website and DC Channel 13 ([link removed][UNIQID]) to allow residents to watch from home.

At Tuesday's meeting, the Council will consider a second COVID-19 emergency bill, the COVID-19 Response Supplemental Emergency Amendment Act of 2020 ([link removed][UNIQID]) .

** Kenyan in the News
* The AFRO spoke with Councilmember McDuffie about his efforts to support residents and small businesses ([link removed][UNIQID]) , while also keeping communities of color in mind.
* Councilmember McDuffie spoke withjonetta rose barras for The DC Line about the financial position of residents and the District ([link removed][UNIQID]) in the wake of coronavirus.
* Read coverage of the Council's emergency COVID-19 response bill in the Washington Informer ([link removed][UNIQID]) , Washington Post ([link removed][UNIQID]) , DCist ([link removed][UNIQID]) , or WTOP ([link removed][UNIQID]) .

** Mental Health Matters
[link removed][UNIQID]
Your mental health matters. Need to talk to someone? Call 1-888-793-4357.

** DCPS Distance Learning Update
All DCPS schools are closed for students through April 24 and DCPS will provide meals to students across the district ([link removed][UNIQID]) . DCPS is also providing distance learning resources ([link removed][UNIQID]#distance) for students to continue learning at home. For more information on these topics, please visit [link removed][UNIQID].

** DC Education Equity Fund Established
Today, the first day of distance learning at the District’s public schools, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced a new DC Education Equity Fund ([link removed][UNIQID]) . The fund is a collaboration between Education Forward DC, the DC Public Education Fund, and the Greater Washington Community Foundation, and will assist with providing resources and support to students, educators, and schools during distance learning. The fund will be used to increase access to internet access and purchase digital devices.

** Vote by Mail in the June Primary
In light of the spread of COVID-19, the DC Board of Elections encourages ALL residents to request an absentee (mail-in) ballot for the June Primary. Voters can request mail-in ballots online HERE ([link removed][UNIQID]) , via DCBOE's mobile app, by calling the DCBOE at (202) 727-2525 or (202) 741-5283, faxing (202) 347-2648, mailing or dropping off in person a ballot request form ([link removed][UNIQID]) to the DC Board of Elections, 1015 Half Street SE, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20003.

In light of the spread of COVID-19, 20 vote centers will open throughout the District beginning May 22, 2020, and will remain open through June 2, 2020. Social distancing measures will be enforced at all vote centers. All locations will open from 8:30 am until 7 pm, including on Election Day. The usual 144 precincts will NOT open on Election Day.

** Census 2020 - Be Counted!
[link removed][UNIQID]
If everyone participates in the 2020 Census, we can secure better public and private resources for our community.

Here’s how you can do your part to make sure we #GetCountedDC:

✔ Remind your friends and family about the 2020 Census
✔ Visit the DC Census website: [link removed][UNIQID] ([link removed][UNIQID])
✔ Like the @DC Census page for accurate, up-to-date, and DC-specific information
✔ Fill out the Census on as early as possible!

** Tax Deadlines Extended
[link removed][UNIQID]
On March 23rd, Mayor Muriel Bowser and Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey DeWitt announced that the deadline for taxpayers to file and pay their 2019 District of Columbia individual and fiduciary income tax returns (D-40, D-41, and D-40B), partnership tax returns (D-65), and franchise tax returns (D-20, D-30) is extended to July 15, 2020 ([link removed][UNIQID]) . This means taxpayers will have an additional 90 days to file and pay from the original deadline of April 15, 2020.

The Internal Revenue Service has also extended the federal filing and payment deadline to July 15, 2020.

The Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) encourages taxpayers who are able to file their returns electronically to do so. For additional information, please contact OTR’s Customer Service Center at (202) 727-4TAX (4829).

For the latest regarding OTR’s response to COVID-19, please visit OTR’s Coronavirus Information and Guidance webpage: [link removed][UNIQID] ([link removed][UNIQID]) .

** DC Library Digital Resources
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The DC Public Library is hosting special online programs and events over the next three weeks ([link removed][UNIQID]) to help people remain connected as the District encourages social distancing. There's a book club centered on Elizabeth Acevedo's novel "With the Fire on High" and over 15 million free online movies, eBooks, and more.

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