Today, we need to be ready. Can we count on your support?

Moms Demand Action

Really, we don't have to accept the terrifying reality of gun violence in our country, where it's now the leading cause of death for children and teens.

But despite our nation's gun violence crisis, gun extremists in elected office are not only trying to block new stronger gun laws—they're actively dismantling the good gun laws we already have in place. It's unacceptable.

That's why across the country, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers are organizing in their communities every single day to oppose gun extremism and bring our call to action to school board meetings, business owners, community groups, and elected leaders at all levels of government.

But our volunteers can't do it all alone: Taking on the gun lobby means we need all the resources we can get, and your donation today can help us build a stronger movement tomorrow. Donate now to Moms Demand Action, Everytown, and Students Demand Action to make sure we have the resources we need to fight the gun lobby's extremism and work for a future free from gun violence.

Photos of Moms Demand Action volunteers rallying and canvassing in red Moms Demand Action shirts. Donate today.

No matter what the gun lobby tries next, Everytown, Moms Demand Action, and Students Demand Action will be ready to defend gun safety. And we depend on grassroots donations from supporters like you to power our work.

Support our efforts to take on gun extremism and fight for stronger gun laws by making a donation to Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, and Everytown today.

Thank you for your support,

Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety