I write to you today with a deep sense of outrage and frustration! It is hard to find the right words to express how appalled I am at what happened just this morning (Friday). You might say, “Why should you be surprised anymore?” Call me naive, but I am shocked!
This morning, the House of Representatives committed an act of betrayal that strikes at the very heart of our republic. I was eating lunch when I found out and almost got sick! In a move that DOESN’T leave me speechless (as my family would affirm), they passed the FISA bill WITHOUT the protection of the warrant amendment! They abandoned us and trampled the Constitution and its protections under the boots of the FISA bill! Let me be clear: this is not just a failure of duty; it is a blatant betrayal of trust. With a tied vote hanging in the balance, Speaker Mike Johnson’s deciding vote broke the back of the Fourth Amendment, sacrificing your rights.
The House of OUR Representatives has left us exposed and vulnerable to unwarranted surveillance by an out-of-control government surveillance program while shamelessly extending protections for themselves! I cannot overstate the gravity of this situation. The federal government now wields even more unchecked power to spy on its own citizens without any legal restraint.
This Weekend We HAVE to Send the LOUD message to Congress! Sign the petition to demand, no government surveillance without a warrant!
This abuse of authority is like something out of a dystopian novel, with over a quarter of a MILLION documented instances of FISA rule violations by the FBI. From high-profile cases like Carter Page to countless others targeted without cause, no American is safe! We stand staring into the abyss of unchecked government intrusion. Our constitutional rights hang in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion.
But there is still hope! In an unbelievably courageous move, Anna Paulina Luna, a Congresswoman from FL, forced a procedural vote meaning, tthe bill cannot be sent to the Senate until another vote on the warrant amendment is held on Monday.
I know the CitizenGO family will stand up for their rights! That's why I'm asking each and every one of you to join me in signing the petition demanding an immediate end to warrantless surveillance and the restoration of our Fourth Amendment rights. We have to do this over the weekend! Now is the time for action, to rise up and demand accountability from Congress. Join us in signing and sharing our petition demanding an immediate end to warrantless surveillance and the restoration of our Fourth Amendment rights. Let your voice be heard, loud and clear, echoing through the halls of Congress. Let them know that we will not stand idly by as they strip away our freedoms in the name of national security. But signing the petition is just the beginning. We must mobilize like never before. We must flood the offices of the House of Representatives with emails and phone calls, demanding that they revisit the crucial amendment requiring warrants for surveillance. And here's a promise: if we gather 20,000 signed petitions by Monday, I will personally fly to D.C. and deliver them to Mike Johnson's office on behalf of every outraged American.
For Liberty, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. To reach our goal of 20,000 signatures this weekend, please share the petition with your friends and family who care about their Fourth Amendment Rights! Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 NO More Spying on Americans!
Demand Congress Protect Your Fourth Amendment Rights Through Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Reform They must stop warrantless spying on American citizens!
Sign the Petition and STOP Spying on Americans!
Dear John,
All Americans! Our rights are under siege by the power of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), and the time to act is now! This week, Congress is in a mad rush to reauthorize FISA, with our constitutional rights on the line.
In a shocking move, the House Representatives amended FISA 702 to protect themselves from unwarranted surveillance, but they have left YOU unprotected.
Under FISA, the National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have taken unconstitutional authority and invaded American lives. The FBI has violated the FISA rules over 278,000 times against the American people!
Sign the petition to demand, no government surveillance without a warrant. FISA must protect Fourth Amendment rights!
But what does FISA abuse look like?
Imagine being a dedicated political advisor, striving to make a positive impact on your country's future. You believe in democracy, in fair elections, and in the rule of law. Then, suddenly, you find yourself caught in a web of suspicion and surveillance, with your every move scrutinized by government agencies.
Or in another case, a state judge who, fueled by a sense of duty to uphold the law, bravely speaks out against law enforcement civil liberties violations. However, instead of receiving protection and support for his efforts to safeguard civil liberties, the judge finds himself targeted for surveillance under FISA warrants.
In yet another distressing turn of events, we watched as conservative individuals attending a political event in Washington, D.C., exercising their constitutional right to peaceful protest, were targeted for surveillance under FISA warrants simply because they attended a political event.
FBI personel have been caught searching for information on job seekers for local law enforcement, college students without ties to criminal activity, potential sources and victims who reported a crimes.
While, these examples have made the news hundreds of thousands have not!
No American citizen is safe.
Frightening, right?
But we refuse to stand by as our rights are trampled upon. We must make our voices heard before it's too late. As the House of Representatives votes to maintain FISA, we demand our rights are protected.
Sign the petition to demand, no government surveillance without a warrant. FISA must protect Fourth Amendment rights!
FISA powers are presented as necessary precautions against foreign threats, but in reality, it's American citizens who are threatened. Our Fourth Amendment protections are being undermined in the name of fear-mongering. Our rights should never be sacrificed for the sake of government overreach. Join us in demanding accountability and transparency in surveillance practices. Demand, no government search or surveillance without a warrant. But now, we must act before it's too late.
Congress will vote on FISA and its amendments this week. We mustt make our voices heard and protect our rights from power-hungry agencies.
Our government sold us the FISA as a security caution against foreign threats, but do you know who is now threatened? We the people are threatened by FISA powers because our 4th Amendment rights, crafted for our protection, were side-stepped by government agencies. We must stand up now and remind Congress that our rights must not be a casualty of misguided government power!
Sign the petition to demand, no government surveillance without a warrant. FISA must protect Fourth Amendment rights! For Liberty Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Remind Congress of Your Fourth Amendment rights!
Fourth Amendment The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.