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Chuck Goodrich released an ad this morning attacking Congresswoman Victoria Spartz for “Bad Behavior” using a hit piece based on anonymous sources written by a gossip paper in Washington, DC.
It’s hilarious that Chuck Goodrich attacks Victoria Spartz for her fighting for the American people using footage of her arguing with the Biden Administration. It is true, Victoria Spartz does not sit back and let the liberal establishment win. She fights. She is proud to fight and fight hard because standing meekly invites defeat.
Since Chuck Goodrich prefers to talk about “bad behavior” a quick look at Goodrich’s shady business and political behavior shows a little man drunk on power.
Goodrich and his company try to cover up his systematic harassment and abuse. Here are two examples:
  1. Administrative Assistant Cindy Chase sued Goodrich’s company for failing to pay overtime and firing her in retaliation for questioning why male employees received remote work privileges while she dd not during COVID-19. (U.S. District Court-Southern District Of Indiana, Case 1:21-cv-1898, Amended Complaint, Filed 9/16/21)
  2. Electrician Hillary Lane filed an extensive discrimination lawsuit against Goodrich’s that detailed a toxic work environment where was subjected to sexual harassment and discrimination for pregnancy before she was fired in retaliation for whistle blowing. (U.S. District Court-Northern District Of Alabama, Case 5:21-cv-00864, Complaint, Filed 6/24/21)
No wonder there are rumors of woman and employees being warned to watch out for him.
Goodrich was even caught covering up his behavior.
  1. Goodrich’s abusive behavior towards his employees is described by them in Glassdoor reviews. The reviews are so bad, Goodrich is trying to change the results and Glassdoor has a public alert that Goodrich has ordered tampering with the ratings.
Goodrich has corruptly abused his power as an elected official to enrich his company.
  1. Goodrich advanced a bill that would rout nearly $40 million to his company. (Indy Star, 3/14/23)
  2. Indiana’s Fiscal Policy Institute said Goodrich’s bill had “no proof” that it worked and “lacks important oversight. (Indiana Capital Chronicle, 3/25/24)
Chuck Goodrich wants to talk about behavior. Goodrich’s behavior is that of a rich little man, drunk on power and abuses people and the system. He uses his power and money to silence woman and hide his and his company’s behavior. Let’s see if the media will write about his record.
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