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In This Together

In a normal year, we'd now be one month away from Indiana's primary election (now moved to June 2). Campaign events and Lincoln Days would be in high-gear, and we'd be well into the cycle of presidential politics. But it's safe to say that 2020 isn't a normal year.

Instead of coming together for Lincoln Days, we have examples across the state of Republicans coming together in service of their fellow Hoosiers. It's stories like:

  • Madison's new mayor, Mayor Bob Courtney, hiring city residents who are out of work for temporary city jobs.
  • Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and his colleagues in Southwest Indiana starting a fund that's raising millions of dollars to support essential service nonprofits in the region.
  • Leaders like Zionsville Town Council member Alex Choi (an anesthesiologist), who is one of thousands of healthcare professionals across our state stepping up to fill new roles in this fight against the coronavirus.

Governor Holcomb said it perfectly earlier this week as he announced a new campaign, #INThisTogether, to bring awareness to the need to hunker down and social distance. He said, "The good news is we can fight back. We can slow the spread. We can flatten the curve.”

That's what these leaders -- and so many more -- are doing today. Together, we're fighting back. Thank you for dedication to keeping Hoosiers healthy, and let's remember, we're in this together!

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Chairman Hupfer and the Indiana Republican State Committee had a virtual meeting this week, joining Hoosiers across the state who are #INThisTogether -- hunkering down, but not slowing down. 

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Keeping Hoosiers Safe: Coronavirus

Governor Holcomb continues to take action to lead our state during this challenging time – both to help limit the spread of the virus, and to assist Hoosiers who are facing new difficulties. 

Today, he signed an executive order directing Hoosiers to hunker down at home for the next two weeks, as well as extending Indiana's public health emergency for another 30 days. Additionally, he shared news that President Trump has officially approved his request for a major disaster declaration for all of Indiana's 92 counties. 

Here are a few more of this week’s actions:

  • Schools:
    • Schools that reached 160 instruction days will be considered to have completed a full academic year.
    • Schools short of 160 instruction days are required to provide at least 20 additional days of remote learning between now and the end of the academic year.
  • Graduating Seniors:
    • All high school seniors on track to graduate before schools were closed on March 19 will be provided with the flexibility they need to earn an Indiana diploma.
  • Preparing for COVID-19 Surge:
    • Removing regulatory barriers to allow for better preparation for a surge in positive COVID-19 cases.
    • Clarifies elective, non-urgent surgical procedures.
    • Gives the State Health Commissioner the authority to open temporary hospitals, if needed.
  • Working to Double ICU Bed Space and Ventilators:
    • Hospitals have a baseline of 1,432 ICU beds. Today, the capacity has increased to 1,940 (a 35% increase), with more coming online daily. Goal is to double ICU space.
    • The baseline number of ventilators is 1,777 with the goal to double that as well.
    • Hospitals are opening more space by ending elective procedures, consolidating operations between hospitals, reopening recently-closed buildings and reusing space within each unit.
  • Allowing More Medical Professionals to Step Forward:
    • Many medical professionals who do not currently hold an active license in Indiana may join the fight supporting our frontline medical staff, including:
      • Medical professionals who retired or became inactive in the last five years
      • Medical professionals who hold licenses in other states
      • Medical professionals who held licenses in other states and retired or became inactive in the last five years
      • Certain medical students and graduates
    • As of earlier this week, more than 11,000 Hoosiers volunteers had stepped forward.
To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

This week we learned that Indiana is testing 10 times as many Hoosiers as we were just a few weeks ago. As new resources are coming online, that that number is only continuing to increase.

Thank you to every Hoosier who is doing his or her part to stop the spread of the coronavirus. As Governor Holcomb said earlier this week, “Whatever you’re doing, you’re in the game and playing an MVP role.”
Resources: A State That Works Together
As news and information on the coronavirus continue to rapidly change -- we want to make sure you have the resources you need to stay up to date! 
  • Indiana State Department of Health - The Indiana State Department of Health is posting important information, and frequent updates to their website -- as well as offering an Indiana coronavirus map, and other resources for Hoosiers! Check out their website here
  • Indiana Coronavirus Hotline - Get help with any questions you have regarding COVID-19 via Indiana's toll-free, 24/7 hotline! Call 877-826-0011!
  • FAQ's on Indiana's Stay-at-Home Order -- This is definitely a new challenge for all of us. Click here to help answer some of your questions!
  • File for Unemployment - Many Hoosiers are temporarily unemployed due to COVID-19. Click here for information and to file for unemployment
We're in this together! Help one another, and share these resources with friends and family who need them!
Senator Braun and Senator Young's Coronavirus Resources

Are you a small business owner or a Hoosier worker impacted by the coronavirus pandemic? U.S. Senator Mike Braun put together a helpful resource guide to help you access resources available during this difficult time. For small businesses, this includes information about payroll support, employee retention credits, unemployment insurance enhancements and more.

Click here to view Senator Braun's resource guide!

U.S. Senator Todd Young has also put together a toolkit for Hoosiers and businesses impacted. This includes information about support for individuals and families, information about how new federal legislation is bolstering our healthcare response, and some FAQs.

Click here to view Senator Young's coronavirus toolkit


Feeling Called To Help Your Indiana Republican Team?

This week, your Indiana Republican Party hosted a virtual phone bank -- and it was a success! Volunteers from across the state reached out to Hoosier voters while still staying socially distant. 

Making voter calls is a great way to pass time, and support Governor Holcomb and your Republican team, all while hunkering down at home. 

If you're feeling called to help while staying at home, sign up here!

--> Click here to sign up for our virtual phone bank <--

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb canceled all K-12 in-person classes through end of the school year 
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch encourages Hoosiers to share social distancing tips
Senator Todd Young says it's time to invest in America
Senator Mike Braun discusses COVID-19 and small businesses
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski discusses her support of CARES Act
Congressman Jim Banks says he warned of virus early
Congressman Jim Baird encourages Hoosiers to do their part
Congresswoman Susan Brooks is active in nation's emergency preparedness
Congressman Greg Pence promotes Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses
Congressman Larry Bucshon supports Berry Global for producing face masks
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth highlights coronavirus resources

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