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We're Hosting a Webinar about COVID-19 Response for Pastors and Church Leaders - Please forward this info!


The number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise steeply in Minnesota, but as Christians we have hope through Jesus Christ - for our earthly safety, but most of all for our eternal salvation. With this confidence, we can go about our work with a renewed sense of how important it is - now and eternally! Even as Holy Week will be disrupted in a way we scarcely thought possible, we still have the opportunity to bring the Gospel to the people in our state.

There are opportunities during this crisis to bless our congregations and communities in ways that are simply not possible at other times. The church is called to identify these opportunities and prayerfully meet these needs, exercising citizenship “worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27).

On Tuesday, April 7 at 1 PM, join us for a free webinar for pastors and church leaders to explore those opportunities. We will be discussing the following topics, as well as taking questions.

  • Providing Food - Working with Local Authorities
  • Serving the Poor - Practical Tips
  • Providing Emergency Childcare for Essential Workers
  • Federal Loans/Grants for Churches? (Keeping the Lights on)
  • Encouraging and Praying for our Leaders
If you are a pastor or a church leader, register for the webinar by clicking the button below - email [email protected] with any questions. If you are not a pastor or church leader, please forward this invitation to the leadership at your church - we think these resources are crucial for churches across the state. We believe that we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to bless the people of our state with the Gospel!



GiveMN Waives Processing Fee for Donations - Your Gift to Minnesota Family Council is More Crucial Than Ever


For a limited time, GiveMN will allow you to contribute to Minnesota Family Council without charging a processing fee. During this crisis, we are not shutting down. Instead, we are stepping up our efforts to bless churches, families, and communities in Minnesota by fighting for life, family, and religious freedom. Now, more than ever, your gift is crucial to ensuring that we can be YOUR champions for life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota. Click here now to make a tax-deductible donation to Minnesota Family Institute. 


Don't Forget the Good News During the Pandemic

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The past weeks have brought plenty of bad news as COVID-19 sweeps across the globe. While we should take the time to be aware of what is going on in the world, we should also take the time to be refreshed with good news. Last week, we looked at five practical ways to love our neighbors during a pandemic. This week, here are five good things that have come about as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Families spending time together.

As most states, including Minnesota, are under shelter in place orders, the importance of family is more evident than ever. With everyone at home, families are turning toward one another and finding creative ways to spend time with each other. Justin Coulson at the Institute for Family Studies has pointed out that this could be a time of growth for families. As high numbers of people move to remote work at this time, some have suggested that this could lead to a long-term shift in the way that Americans think about work and family. any of us have hectic work schedules that make us wish for more time with family. Now we have that chance - how will we use it? 

2. Churches and Christian organizations are meeting needs and ministering to their local communities.

From local churches meeting the tangible needs of people in their communities by running errands for elderly and at-risk individuals, providing food to families facing economic uncertainty, offering their parking lots as testing sites, and providing meals and encouragement to first-responders and medical workers, to Christian organizations like Samaritan’s Purse setting up field hospitals in New York, the church is at work serving as the hands and feet of Christ during this time of crisis. [As a reminder, MFC is deeply involved in these efforts. Please forward this invitation for our webinar on Tuesday, April 7, to pastors and ministry leaders at your church: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aHiNOrviS4Kfqdda8IFF0w].


Read the whole post by MFC's Patience Griswold here.

Gray_Line.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-06 at 2.28.17 PM.png Abby Johnson Defied Planned Parenthood. Are You Ready to Hear Her Story in Person at Our Annual Dinner?


We're hugely excited for our annual dinner with pro-life superstar Abby Johnson. Abby's work with And Then There Were None, a charity that helps abortion workers leave the industry, has been hugely successful. And her new initiative, Love Lines, gives financial support to women who choose LIFE.

But her story began in 2009, when she was a clinic director for Planned Parenthood and had to witness, for the first time, an ultrasound-guided abortion. With horror, she saw for the first time what abortion really is: the killing by dismemberment of a baby. She walked away and has been working to save lives ever since. Her book Unplanned was turned into one of last year's most surprising hit movies.   

Please know that we will comply with all health directives from city and state governments regarding large events during the COVID-19 outbreak, and we are committed to doing what we need to do for the safety of our friends and guests. If the status of our Annual Dinner scheduled for May 11 changes, we will alert you as soon as possible. 


Give your Teen the Gift of Leadership - Registration Now Open!

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Register your teen early and SAVE $50!

LEAD is a project of Minnesota Family Council that equips the next generation of leaders. During this one-week program, teens are challenged with interactive Biblical worldview sessions, and real-world simulations to learn critical thinking, clear communication, and gain teamwork skills to lead effectively and with confidence.

July 26th–July 31st, 2020

University of Northwestern – St. Paul

Registration: $499

Financial Aid Available
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Please know that LEAD organizers are monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Minnesota. We will comply with all directives from city and state governments regarding large events, and we are committed to safeguarding our students and their families. At this time it does not appear likely that this outbreak will affect our LEAD summer camp scheduled for July 26-31. If that changes, we will alert you as soon as possible.


Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

 Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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Support MFC When You Shop Online!amazon-smile-banner.jpg

Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you?



Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for 
strong families and communities through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.










Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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