Hey there, team! Did you hear John is officially on the ballot for the June 25th primary? Now we need to ramp up our efforts so that we can recruit as many volunteers as possible to knock on doors, make phone calls, send texts, and get out the vote to help John win.

Hey there, team!

Did you hear John is officially on the ballot for the June 25th primary?

Now we need to ramp up our efforts so that we can recruit as many volunteers as possible to knock on doors, make phone calls, send texts, and get out the vote to help John win.

We cannot do it without your support. So we’re calling on everyone reading this email to chip in at least $5 to John’s campaign. If hundreds of folks can give just $5, we’ll have the resources we need to win.

We hope you’re with us!

Team Padora

------- Begin original message --------


I’m honored to officially be on the primary ballot to win the Democratic nomination for CD-4. This was an important step in the process of winning this primary and flipping this seat blue in November.

But we don’t have time to rest. In fact, we need to kick things into high gear because we’ve got just two and a half months left until election day.

We need to knock on every door, call every voter, and run as many ads as we possibly can between now and June 25th.

So will you rush a $10 or $20 donation to my campaign today to help turbocharge our team and get the job done?

No race can be won by a candidate alone.

I wouldn’t be here without the support of my family, my team, and our hundreds of supporters just like you. I am extremely grateful for your continued support, and I’m clear-eyed about the fact that we need to continue to grow our movement through June if we’re going to win.

So what do you say, my friend? Can you help me build a campaign you can be proud of and a campaign that can win by donating any amount you can afford today?


Thank you so much.

– John

I'm John Padora, a Democrat running for Congress in CD-04. Lauren Boebert recently jumped into my district in a desperate attempt to stay in DC. 

My campaign is powered by grassroots donations - donate anything you can monthly to keep Boebert OUT of this seat.   


Paid for by Padora for Colorado

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John Padora , PO Box 116, Severance, CO 80546