Ever skipped class to work a shift at a fast-food restaurant?
I started working in fast food in high school. Not only was I pressured to skip class and asked to work past legal working hours but I was paid less. As teenage workers, corporations paid us less than our adult peers for the same tasks.
The problem goes beyond fast food. Across industries from meatpacking to roofing, child labor violations have been on the rise. At the same time, corporations and the politicians they bankroll are working to dismantle existing laws that protect kids in dozens of states. In Kentucky, the largely conservative House has passed a bill that prevents the state from having child labor laws that are stricter than federal protections, essentially removing all child labor protections, including limitations on the hours they can work.
Child labor is on the rise and we need to fight back. Help us get more signatures on our petition to fight back by emailing your friends today!
Child labor violations are yet another example of unparalleled corporate greed. Greedy CEOs see children – especially immigrant children – as a cheap and disposable source of labor, willing to work for less than adults. All the while, politicians are at the beck and call of millionaire CEOs.
Even more sickening – corporations use child labor as a tool to undermine adult workers fighting for fair wages and our union.
We can’t stand by and let this happen. Forward this email to your friends to get them informed and involved!
In solidarity,
Johmara Romero
Former Popeyes Worker
Oakland, California
Fight for $15 and a Union