"Many students said that, at first, they were excited for 'a month' off school, but that quickly turned to boredom. Being back in virtual school after a week of nothing is a relief: 'I did a happy dance!' one student said. 'If it wasn’t for Zoom, I would probably go crazy,' another wrote."
By Ariel Sacks at Education Week

"It has been jarring, surreal and draining, more than a dozen educators said in interviews, to adapt to a completely new way of working, with everyone forced to interact on screens, for at least part of the school day, as the statistics from the world outside get grimmer and grimmer."
By David W. Chen at the New York Times

"Social-emotional learning is critical to managing anxiety at this time...Because if you don’t know how to deal with the lack of control of your future, or the feelings of uncertainty that you’re having, your brain is going to stay in a constant fight or flight mode...And if our brain is in fight or flight mode, then it’s not in learning mode.'"
By Arianna Prothero at Education Week