The GOP claims to be the party of family values, John, but the reality is that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Republicans are hellbent on passing a national abortion ban, but being pro-family has to begin and end with women having the choice of if, when, and how they start a family.
The GOP is passing laws that limit, discourage, and even outright ban IVF, but being pro-family means making critical treatments like IVF accessible.
National Republicans claim to care about protecting children, but are trying to cut food programs for hungry kids.
I’m sick and tired of the GOP’s disgusting hypocrisy, and we need to boot them from office and flip the House blue so we can do things like protect IVF, restore Roe, and help our children flourish in happy, healthy environments.
Will you please chip in $25 to defend KY-03 and flip the House in November so that we can do away with the hypocrisy and truly put kids and families first?
Morgan McGarvey
