Today's an important day to show you stand with our movement.

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Friends -

We're reaching out this morning to urgently ask if you can contribute $3 to stand with Ilhan and our people-powered campaign for Congress.

Here's why:

Our opponent, Don Samuels — the same guy Ilhan defeated by just a couple thousand votes in 2022 — has been promoting a new poll that shows our race is neck and neck. Virtually tied, as close as it gets.

It's clear what Don's attempting to do here.

He's sending up a signal to the right-wing super PACs, the GOP-supporting billionaires, and outside special interest groups like AIPAC that there might be blood in the water. That now would be a GREAT time for them to cut a max-out check to his campaign, or get on the airwaves in our district with bigoted attacks against Ilhan.

Unfortunately for them all, we have what they don't: a nationwide, grassroots movement ready to fight back.

If you've been waiting for the perfect moment to make a contribution and ensure Ilhan has the resources we need to take on the opposition, that moment is now. So please:

Can Ilhan count on you to rush a $3 contribution to stand with our campaign this morning? Every donation in this race matters — especially the one you make today.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

As you probably know, when Ilhan first ran for Congress in 2018, she made the decision to reject corporate PAC contributions and billionaire dark money.

She knew that the only way we could build a progressive movement that stuck true to our shared values was by funding her campaign the right way — together. She also knew that supporters like you would stand with her when it mattered most.

Today's one of those times, and we simply can't afford to fall behind at moments like these. So please. If you can, use this link to chip in $3 or any amount to stand with Ilhan and our campaign.

No matter what Don Samuels and his billionaire friends might want you to think, this campaign is in a great position to win this race and send Ilhan back to Congress. And when you see the results come in on Election Day, please know that it was the incredible grassroots support of people like you that made it all possible.

Thank you for chipping in today if you can.

In solidarity,

Team Ilhan



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033