Two Dates Available!
We are excited to announce the next webinar in our Youth State Index webinar series, Accessing Legal Services and Changing Laws to End Youth Homelessness, with two available dates to accommodate attendees across time zones! 
(Click the date and time to register or use the buttons below!)
You'll hear from a youth advocate and their attorney about the importance of engaging a lawyer and how that can be a game changer in removing hard stops and barriers affecting youth, whether it's a criminal issue, an access issue, or preventing eviction/increasing stability - and more! You'll also learn about the importance of state and local advocacy work and how anyone can get involved to remove policy barriers affecting youth and to rewrite/create good policy supporting youth.
We will share free resources to support you and your community, including the revamped Homeless Youth Legal Network directory of legal services, an active listserv of advocates, as well as the recently released Model State Statutes publication!
Panelists to include: Kelly Russo, Director of the ABA Homeless Youth Legal Network, Gabriella McDonald, Deputy Director of Texas Appleseed, Rhea Yo, Director of Legal Services at Legal Counsel for Youth & Children, and Elizabeth Dawson, a Youth Advocate!
Don't miss out on this incredibly informative event, register today!

 *The webinar will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel if you are unable to attend*
Please join us on one of two available dates:
Wednesday | April 17, 2024 | 11-12pm PT/2-3pm ET
Thursday | April 18, 20241-2pm PT/4-5pm ET

The National Homelessness Law Center’s vision is to cultivate a society where every person can live with dignity and enjoy their basic human rights, including the right to affordable, quality, and safe housing, and its mission is to fearlessly advance federal, state and local policies to prevent and end homelessness while fiercely defending the rights of all unhoused persons. 
True Colors United implements innovative solutions to youth homelessness that focus on the unique experiences of LGBTQ young people. 

National Homelessness Law Center
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750-E
Washington, DC 20036
