It can be easy to get caught up in the responsibilities, trials, and distractions of daily life and forget to marvel at the human beings we’ve been entrusted to love.
One of the biggest truths of the pro-life movement is that people are more important than things. People are priceless, and every child, every new human life, is a miracle.
When Martha came to Jesus, worried and busy and distracted with endless practical details in hosting Him and His disciples, asking Him to tell her sister Mary to help her, Jesus said, “Mary has chosen the better part.” Mary was sitting at His feet, listening.
Jesus wasn’t saying the practical and material don't matter, but He was teaching her to never let it eclipse the eternal right in front of us. I believe Jesus wants me, He wants you, more than what we can *do* for Him.
He wants us to listen, to wonder, and worship. And He wants us to see God in every person we encounter. I believe Jesus is present in every child, asking us to see Him and love Him in them, and by doing so, to become more like Him.
Thank you so much for your prayers for me and our family. I will be praying for all of you, for the protection of every child, and for an end to abortion as we welcome our little girl. ♥️
For Life,
Lila Rose
Founder and President