Making virtual but vital connections on Passover
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Dear John,

Why is this Passover different than all of the ones before? Perhaps because this year we are not reading about plagues — we actually are living through one. Perhaps because this year we are not sitting at the table with our extended family but staring at them through screens. Perhaps because this year we are not wandering the desert seeking a home but literally sheltering in place and unable to leave our own homes.

And in this unprecedented time, the ADL community and the world around us paradoxically are united by a threat that physically has separated us and spiritually strained us.

I know that the past weeks have been challenging for everyone. Being apart from so many people who are vital to our lives, supporting loved ones, standing in line for groceries... I personally can speak to the difficulty of trying to work remotely while helping to manage multiple children at home from school and a dog that craves endless attention, all while we are trying to make it through the day, let alone make sense of our fairly uncertain reality.

And most of all, my heart aches for those who have been ill, and for the lives that the virus has claimed. So many of us have stories of suffering and loss that touch close to home.

Whether we are observing Passover, Easter, Ramadan or any other holiday meaningful to our faiths and cultures, this year is different. By connecting on services such as Zoom, Facetime, Skype or even just via phone, we will be protecting ourselves and those around us, including the most vulnerable in our families and communities. But we must stay connected. The traditions and gatherings that make us whole may be virtual this year but they will be more vital than ever.

Most importantly, I hope this finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. Nothing is more important than that. We are living through extraordinary times and they demand that all of us hold our family and friends close.

At ADL, we will continue to focus on keeping you informed and engaged through our new platform, Fighting Hate from Home. Our entire community — our professional team, our volunteer leaders, our donors and allies around the world — will not be deterred or even slowed down from our mission. Antisemitism and extremism are not taking a break amidst COVID-19, and neither will we. We will speak out against rising anti-Jewish bigotry, stand with allies in the Asian-American community and push people in positions of authority to ensure everyone is protected.

But I know that we only can do this work because of your engagement. You give us the strength and support to push forward. And so we thank you deeply for being part of the ADL community, and for joining us in this fight.

May your holiday celebrations be sweetened by your commitment to doing what is good and just in the world and wishing you and your loved ones only health in these hard times.

JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director