Good afternoon Housing Not Handcuffs supporters, 

We are incredibly proud of our partners and collaborators who have filed42 friend of the court briefs in the landmark case, Johnson v. Grants Pass.These briefs reflect support from more than 1,100 groups and public figures who have joined us in calling for the Supreme Court to stop the use of things like jails and fines against unhoused people who are forced to sleep outside.  Click here for a full list of friend of the court briefs.  

On April 22nd, the Supreme Court will ask the fundamental question, “Does the Constitution's protection against cruel and unusual punishment include people experiencing homelessness?” We need you to join us in telling the Supreme Court that the Constitution protects everybody, regardless of housing status. Here are three things you can do to support this historic effort:

1. Join us in DC for a rally on April 22nd 

8:30 - 9 AM: Lie-in at the Supreme Court

9 - 10 AM: Breakfast with advocates from all across the country

10 AM - 12 PM: Main rally with speakers

2. Spread the word about this historic case; and

3. Stay informed and engaged in this critical fight for dignity, justice, and the right for a place to call home at


With gratitude and hope, 

Jesse Rabinowitz | he/him/his 

Campaign & Communications Director 

National Homelessness Law Center