From IRC 3x Match Update <>
Subject I have an important update for you.
Date April 11, 2024 9:46 PM
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Gaza: We're providing nearly 10% of all surgeries there.

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I want to share a special and important update with you: Ramadan has come to a close, and more than 755 compassionate supporters have already extended their hand to support children and families—who are living through unimaginable crises—during IRC's special Ramadan match campaign. I am so grateful for this outpouring of support.

But families facing violence, starvation and hardship around the world still need our help, John, and today, the needs are immense. So we are extending the 3X match offer.

Families in Gaza, for example, continue to face horrific conditions and violence. Together with our partners at Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), the IRC is delivering surgical care in Gaza—providing nearly 10% of all surgeries there. Our teams are working hand in hand with the few hospitals that remain in Gaza, helping people survive this nightmare. Despite the sheer monumental needs, this gives me hope.

Your gift can still be tripled if you donate right now. Please make your gift today and it will go THREE TIMES as far.

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— Andrea @ IRC


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Your gift will help power the IRC's emergency response and ongoing support for children and families facing persecution, starvation and war. Make your gift before the deadline to rush 3X the resources where they are needed most. For example, your gift [TRIPLED TODAY] could help:

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- Support Emergency Medical Teams in Gaza, who are working under the most difficult conditions to provide life-saving medical care to injured Palestinians.

- Deliver cash assistance and emergency supplies to prevent malnutrition among children in Kenya.

- Reach remote communities in Afghanistan with mobile medical units to provide maternal healthcare, nutrition services, mental health support and more.

This 3X matching gift is time-limited. Please, make your contribution now.

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Thank you for everything you do to support refugees and displaced people around the world. Your kindness and compassion matter.

The International Rescue Committee |

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