Like many NILC supporters, you likely remember the day when President Trump signed the first Muslim Ban executive order, unleashing chaos in airports across the country. The policy was horrifying in its discriminatory intent, and the public reaction was powerful — thousands of people took to the streets and stood outside of airports with a powerful message: Muslims and refugees are welcome here.

Photo credit: Stephanie Keith / Stringer
What you might not know is that – still to this very day – we are fighting in the courts to reunite families and bring people harmed by the multiple Muslim and African Bans back together with their loved ones. And, despite the Biden administration rescinding the Bans in 2020, it has spent years stalling and refusing to redress fully the harms of the Bans, perpetuating their ugly legacy.
And now, we have some big news to share:
A federal judge recently certified the class in our lawsuit, Pars Equality Center, et al. v. Pompeo, et al. This decision is a huge step forward for our clients. In this latest order, the judge provided a scathing critique of the government’s actions, saying:
“The conduct of the government’s attorneys, in this case, has been careless and obstructive.”
“The government had broken its word.”
“[The government’s] conduct has hobbled the fair administration of justice.”
We first filed this case in 2018, and after six long years, a remedy from the government for our clients is long overdue. Now that our class has been recognized, this case can move forward with the timeliness it demands and we can seek the relief our clients deserve.
This case serves as a reminder that justice is a journey that takes time and perseverance. And we did not get here alone — in fact, many of you have stood in this fight alongside our clients, co-counsel, partner organizations, and us, signing petitions, attending protests, and donating to make our work possible.
When you make a donation, your support fuels our future fights in court, including our work to ensure that our clients who are still being separated by the legacy of these Bans see justice >>>
As I sign off, our team wants to express our deepest gratitude to our plaintiffs, co-counsel, allies, and supporters like you for your heart, energy, and perseverance.
Onward we fight,
Josh Stehlik
Deputy Director, Legal
National Immigration Law Center