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Contemplating What Normal Will Be
As we all move through our days with new and different routines, we must not let our guard down or become vulnerable. We must ensure we stay strong to fight the battles ahead. Innocent lives depend on us to be in the battle.

Some of the Issues for today are:

1. Whether abortion is considered to be “essential” healthcare.... it is not and has never been. And the abortion industry is working double time to find ways to take advantage of vulnerable women and families.

2. Whether care for someone with an illness like Covid 19 is “essential” healthcare.... it is and they should receive care.

President Trump, Governor Parson and our statewide leaders are working to get our nation back to safety and to the normal we all remember. Our enemies are watching to see if we are weak and vulnerable so they can attack. Our leaders are ready to protect us.

We, your Missouri Right to Life team, are working through these tough times to make sure we don’t lose ground, that we don’t become vulnerable or weak. Our enemies that seek to destroy innocent little lives are watching us too. They are watching to find a weak link. They are working through this crisis to find ways to take innocent lives instead of seeking ways to help people through this crisis.

We must remain vigilant as well through these times. And with your help we will. Pray constantly, be calm and safe, watch out for your family and neighbors and give as you can. Remember us as we continue the daily battle for the right to life that we all hold so dear.

Our prayers are with all of you as we go through this blessed Easter season. May God watch over us and continue to give us guidance and strength.
Advance Directives for a Natural End of Life
A series on pro-life advance directives by Jim Cole, MRL General Counsel.

Currently, no doubt because of all the publicity given to the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, there is a greater push than usual to convince people to sign advance health care directives. March 31 marked the 15th anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo, too, providing another reminder about advance directives.

This post will be the first of several that will provide a pro-life perspective on advance directives, including examples of provisions that are consistent with pro-life principles, examples of other provisions that are too loose to be helpful, and the importance of choosing a good health care agent to oversee carrying out one’s directives.

Because pro-life people come from many religious traditions, these posts will not focus on specific religious beliefs. The basic rule is familiar: “Thou shalt not kill.” This moral principle is probably shared by the bulk of humanity, including those without religious beliefs. It is hoped that these posts assist people to apply that moral principle in their own advance directives.
Life Links
Abortion “Essential” in UN’s $2B COVID-19 Funding Plan

Link - Abortion is “essential” in the UN’s just-released funding response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Circuit Court Blocks Trump-Administration Rule Removing Government Funding from Abortion Providers

Link - The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has blocked a Trump-administration rule that removes Title X family-planning funds from abortion providers.
Federal Judges Side with Planned Parenthood, Deem Elective Abortion Essential

Link - In several states, lawmakers have included elective abortion among the procedures classified as “non-essential,” attempting to cut down on the spread of the novel coronavirus and preserve necessary medical supplies that are in short stock across the country.
A beautiful illustration of moral courage by a woman facing a crisis pregnancy will warm your heart

Link - Cyberworld is full of amazing testaments to the beauty of life—if only we have eyes to see and a heart ready to be filled.
Pro-Life Around the State
St. Louis - News from Defenders of the Unborn: All prayer vigils at Planned Parenthood mill and away from the abortion mill have been cancelled until further notice. Our next event was scheduled for April 18th our annual banquet. It has also been cancelled. We will review the status again on May 30, 2020, to see if we will be having our Jericho walk.
May 30 - Jefferson City - Pregnancy Help Center 5K Walk/Run, 8:30 am in Memorial Park.

June 26-27 - Virginia - Join us in Herndon, VA for the 50th annual National Right to Life Convention. Register today at

MRL Eastern Region has copies of Abby Johnson’s presentation at the 43rd Annual Respect Life Convention, October 13, in St. Louis. They also have copies of the movies Gosnell and Unplanned. If anyone would like to arrange a showing in their chapter or church group, please contact [email protected].