Fellow conservative, are you familiar with the Fentanyl Road?

If not, here’s what it looks like:

  1. China produces the chemicals needed to make Fentanyl
  2. Those chemicals are shipped to Mexico
  3. Mexico produces Fentanyl
  4. Drug cartels smuggle Fentanyl into the United States
  5. Tens of thousands of Americans overdose on Fentanyl and die on a yearly basis



Fellow conservative, in FY 2022, over 40 government agencies spent a whopping $39.3 BILLION to combat the opioid epidemic, with a large emphasis on Fentanyl. 

Despite the vast sums of resources the federal government spent, the epidemic rages on because of the wide-open southern border. I AGREE >>

This is just another example of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s failure to protect America’s national security. 

Agree? Chip in $13 to our Border Security Money Pledge.


The House already impeached Mayorkas and is sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate on April 10th. Now, we just need the Senate to uphold its constitutional duty and hold an impeachment trial.

Your donation helps us keep pressure on the Senate so we can get to the bottom of this national security failure and hold Mayorkas accountable.

Click here to join the Border Security Money Pledge alongside thousands of other grassroots conservatives.

-Heritage Action Policy Team

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