Dear John,

What if your organization’s ideas could be front-of-mind with the public and policymakers alike? What if the media was constantly featuring your recommendations and everyone wanted your input? Basically, what if your work was in as high demand as hand sanitizer? It could be.
I’m pleased to announce Jonah Berger, the bestselling author of Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior and, fittingly enough, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, is one of the keynote speakers at SPN’s 28th Annual Meeting taking place August 31-September 3 in Chicago, IL.

Changing our communities, states, nation, and even the world, for the better means we need to be reaching larger audiences and delivering our messages in ways that open hearts and change minds. Berger, who is an expert on viral marketing, social influence, and how products, ideas, and behaviors catch on, will address how we can apply these principles to our work, and how we can adjust our communication and outreach strategies to increase our impact.

To quote Berger:

“Connecting with others is rewarding; it makes us feel like we're not alone in the world.”

After all the social distancing we’re going through, it’s good to look forward to coming together at the end of the summer. Annual Meeting registration is discounted $300 through June 1, 2020 and refundable (less a $75 cancellation fee) until August 1, 2020. So, you should make your plans now to attend—perhaps just hold off booking a nonrefundable airline ticket for a little while.

I look forward to seeing you in Chicago!


Carrie Conko
Vice President of Communications

P.S. If you know a young professional at your organization or outside the Network who is interested in attending SPN's 28th Annual Meeting, encourage them to apply for our Generation Liberty Fellowship program which covers travel, accommodation, and registration. 
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