Just a short distance from where Coach Kennedy took a knee in prayer, another Washington state public school has decided to block prayer.
It seems that Creekside Elementary School didn’t get the Supreme Court’s memo that made it clear that the First Amendment protects the right of students and employees to express their faith in public schools.
That means it’s ok for students to start prayer clubs at their schools, even in Washington state.
But right now, the religious intolerance of the public-school administrators at Creekside Elementary is on full display.
When 5th grade student Laura at Creekside Elementary requested permission to start an interfaith prayer club, the school’s principal denied her request.
Despite having approved and promoted other clubs like the Creekside Choir, Global Reading Challenge, Green Team, Safety Patrol and Pride Club, the principal told Laura that her only option for a prayer group was to pay for space like outside groups.
Instead of choosing to discriminate, Creekside’s principal should read and apply her own school’s value statement: “respect to all members and aspects of the community.”
First Liberty won’t stand by while valued members of this school community are forced to tolerate this type of blatant religious discrimination.
That’s why we’ve joined Laura on the frontlines of this fight for faith. We are going to make sure that Laura’s right to express her faith is respected.
You can now hear from Laura first-hand and learn how this fight has impacted her faith as well as her vision for the prayer club that’s being denied.

Thank you for supporting First Liberty by learning more about this crucial case.
Every student should feel empowered by their religious beliefs, not discriminated against because of them.
First Liberty will not sit on the sidelines while this 11-year-old faces intolerance from her elementary school administrators.
But we can’t do it without you.
Will you support Laura as she fights for her right to religious liberty in the schoolhouse?