April 3, 2020
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Photo: Eastern Bluebird, White-breasted Nuthatch and House Finch, Theodore Lawrence/Great Backyard Bird Count

Here's some good news! 

For those of you who participate in Project FeederWatch, Cornell Lab of Ornithology has decided to extend the dates through the month of April. That means several extra weeks of watching your backyard feeders and  recording what you see while doing what you love - watching birds.

FeederWatch is a citizen science project where anyone in North America who is interested in birds can count what they see at their backyard feeders on two consecutive days each week from November - April. Participants submit their counts to a central database that provides scientists with an invaluable picture of winter bird populations throughout the continent.

Read more about the project and find out how to participate here

ASNV offers a Project FeederWatch workshop each fall for anyone who wants to get involved in this entertaining and useful project, appropriate for all ages. Watch our website for information about fall programs. 

Stay safe and be well!
-Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

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