From 5 Gyres <[email protected]>
Subject Planet vs. Plastics: Be Part of the Solution
Date April 11, 2024 4:14 PM
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3 ways to get involved this Earth Month 🌎

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Earth Day is approaching, and this year’s theme resonates with urgency: Planet vs. Plastics. Our shared home continues to struggle under the tide of plastic pollution that no longer impacts just the environment; it permeates our own bodies. But solutions exist, and millions of people around the globe will unite on April 22 to take action against plastic pollution!

We envision a world where oceans are clear of plastic smog ([link removed]) , where protection for national parks ([link removed]) extends to single-use plastics, and where the air we breathe is free of microfibers ([link removed]) .

Join 5 Gyres this Earth Month as we drive solutions to plastic pollution through science, advocacy, and community. Read on to learn how you can get involved in building a future where our planet triumphs over plastics.

📢 Speak Up for a Plastic Pollution-Free Planet

Advocacy efforts are in full swing this Earth Month, and we need your help! Use your voice to support policy that reduces plastic pollution by taking these quick actions:
* Urge the California Legislature to Support Reuse Over Single-Use ([link removed])
* Support Microplastic Pollution Solutions in California ([link removed])
* Urge California to Reduce Single-Use Plastic Water Bottles ([link removed])
* Tell Congress to Hold Plastic Pellet Polluters Accountable ([link removed])

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For a deeper dive into grassroots activism, join 5 Gyres, Heal the Bay, and other leading advocacy organizations for a virtual California Plastics Advocacy Training on April 16. Register here! ([link removed])
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🪡 Waste Less for the Planet

We all have items in our closet that we don’t wear because there’s a small tear, a missing button, or a coffee stain. Fortunately, most of these imperfections can be fixed with a needle and thread, a patch, or some natural dye. Let’s stitch together a brighter future where repairing clothes becomes the norm, and discarding clothes becomes a last resort.

Take the pledge to Do Less for the Planet ([link removed]) to get access to our Visible Mending Workshop with Slow Stitch Club ([link removed]) this month!

🏞️ Join the Movement for Plastic-Free Parks

Our Plastic-Free Parks ([link removed]) project is returning for the third year! Keep an eye out on Friday, April 19 as we debut the 2024 artwork, updated training materials, an informative webinar, and more.

Celebrate Earth Day and National Parks Week by getting outside and doing a TrashBlitz ([link removed]) at any NPS-managed park or federal land!
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ICYMI: More 5 Gyres Updates

* This June, leading experts from across the textiles sector will join us in building a Roadmap to Reduce Microfiber Pollution. Learn more about the WOVEN Symposium Series ([link removed]) .
* 5 Gyres researchers are heading to Ottawa, Canada for INC-4 this month! Dr. Lisa Erdle and Dr. Marcus Eriksen will help guide a strong Global Plastics Treaty that is rooted in science. Read more about how scientists around the world are working together for an effective treaty. ([link removed])
* Check out Bee’s Wrap’s guide to navigating the plastic pollution crisis ([link removed]) , featuring insights from 5 Gyres and actionable steps you can take today towards meaningful solutions.

Interested in getting more involved in the movement? Become a 5 Gyres Ambassador ([link removed]) and join a global community of changemakers.
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