Welcome to Thursday, April 11th, companions...

The EPA set legally enforceable PFAS limits in drinking water, a "historic" public health moment.

PFAS are a group of dangerous compounds known as "forever chemicals" that experts believe contaminate drinking water for over 200 million Americans.

The new EPA limit marks the first time in nearly three decades that the agency has established a drinking water standard. 

How do you feel about the new EPA limit?

Promoting Animal Welfare on National Pet Day

Today, we celebrate National Pet Day, a day dedicated to pets of all shapes and sizes. Experts highlight the benefits of having a pet, including increased opportunities to exercise, socialize, and discover more green spaces. Additionally, regular walking and playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels, along with providing mental health benefits. 

According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.3 million animals go to shelters nationwide every year, most of which are cats and dogs. Around 4.1 million shelter animals are adopted every year. 

As we celebrate our furry friends, it's important to remember the work yet to be done to improve animal wellbeing nationwide. Through Gravvy's Animal Welfare Spread, you can donate to reputable aid organizations working to improve the lives of animals through rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, education, and advocacy. 

Celebrate National Pet Day with a donation to promote animal welfare.

Animal Welfare

And, in the End...

Spread the love to the animals who make it all worth it. How will you celebrate National Pet Day?

-Jamie Epstein

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