
Mitch McConnell has an army of extreme special interests ready to spend big to preserve his narrow Senate majority.

Finally, for the first time in Mitch’s career as a U.S. Senator, we have a chance to beat him. Our endorsed candidate Amy McGrath has shown leadership and momentum—and her race to unseat Mitch McConnell is considered one of Democrats’ top Senate pickup opportunities in 2020.

Can you rush a donation to her right now as her team enters the second quarter of this election year?

Amy was raised in Edgewood, Kentucky and attended the U.S. Naval Academy to pursue her dream as a fighter pilot. She was commissioned as a Marine Corps officer in 1997, completed three combat deployments, and flew combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, targeting al-Qaida and the Taliban.

We've seen Mitch McConnell’s failure to lead over the years—and his botched response to the coronavirus is yet another example of why it’s time for him to go.

Amy's leadership bona fides are unquestioned: from Annapolis, to the Marine Corps, to the way she’s run her campaign against Mitch McConnell. She’s the proven leader we need to finally retire Mitch McConnell from the Senate.

Will you split a donation between Amy McGrath and Serve America today?

Thank you for whatever you can do.

Serve America

P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many people are facing financial hardship right now, and taking care of yourself and your loved ones must come first. Thank you for being a part of our family, and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.