![]() Your latest coronavirus update
Dear John,
Last night the country came together once again to show its appreciation for our carers, NHS staff and all the other front-line workers who are playing a critical role in keeping us safe in this time of crisis. I want to thank each and every one of you who are selflessly putting your lives on the line. Whether you are a doctor or a dentist, a cleaner or a carer, a social worker or a shopworker, thank you for your valued public service and for keeping our country going and its people safe.
Yesterday also saw the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, come out and provide some candidness that has so far been lacking from the Government’s response to this crisis. We know that we are lagging behind other countries with access to testing, PPE, and ventilators. Sugar-coating the truth with soundbites will not save lives, but open and honest communication will.
It is vital that MPs continue to hold the government to account now more than ever. That is why Birmingham MPs have joined forces with the Leader of Birmingham City Council to form a group to help co-ordinate our local efforts in response to the coronavirus crisis. The group, called Radar, will ensure that local issues are brought to the attention of the Government and provide regular, valuable feedback from the West Midlands Police, local hospitals, businesses, trade unions, foodbanks and other local groups and bodies.
Many constituents and businesses have contacted me to ask what support they can access, so I have collated some of the main guidance released by the Government over the past couple of weeks, which you can view on my website here www.preetkaurgill.com/content/preet-shares-important-coronavirus-information. The situation is ever-changing and with that comes new guidance, so I would strongly encourage you to check the latest advice on the Government’s dedicated website regularly here www.gov.uk/coronavirus and for the latest health advice on the NHS’ website here www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19.
Since publishing this advice, the Government has announced new measures to support small businesses as well as those struggling to pay their Council tax. I am therefore including further details about these measures, and other useful information, below:
Small Business Rates Grants In response to the coronavirus the Government has announced there will be support for small businesses, and businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors. The Retail and Hospitality Grant Scheme provides businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors with a cash grant of up to £25,000 per property.
Birmingham City Council will write to those businesses who are eligible. Birmingham has now received £232m worth of funding to pay grants to businesses. You are eligible if:
Council Tax Hardship Fund Birmingham City Council will reduce the bills of all working-age recipients of Council Tax Support by £150, or by a lesser amount if that is all that remains to be paid for the year. It does not expect taxpayers to have to apply for this reduction as Birmingham City Council has enough information to make this reduction on their behalf.
Employment Rights If you are working from home, have recently been furloughed, or have any other employment questions, then you can get in touch with Acas – a trusted impartial resource who can explain the facts about your employment rights. Find out more at www.acas.org.uk/coronavirus.
Scams Although, this crisis has brought out the very best in most people, it has brought out the very worst in others. Unfortunately, there are some people who are taking advantage of the current situation to make money out of unsuspecting and, often, vulnerable individuals. Birmingham Live has provided a detailed write up of the most well-known scams, and you can familiarise yourself with them here www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/eight-coronavirus-scams-conning-people-18019455.
Foodbanks Quinton and Oldbury Foodbank, based at St. Boniface Church, provides a much-needed lifeline to vulnerable people in our community. With people suffering increasing financial difficulties as a result of the pandemic; its continued work is going to be even more vital in the coming weeks and months. However, Quinton and Oldbury Foodbank is running very low on donations and need your help. Anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated, and donations can be dropped at St Boniface Church, Quinton Road West ,B32 2QD between 10.30 and 12.00 on Wednesdays.
Local Support Birmingham City Council is working closely with BVSC to bring together existing neighbourhood support groups, voluntary groups and other services to co-ordinate support for those who need it locally. If you are in need of support, please visit BVSC here to find out what support is available www.bvsc.org/accessing-support-your-neighbourhood, and if you are a group or individual who can offer support in your neighbourhood, please visit www.bvsc.org/offer-local-support for information on who to contact.
As ever, please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can help with, you can find my contact details below. Please stay safe and look after one another.
Member of Parliament for Birmingham Edgbaston Standing up for Bartley Green, Edgbaston, Harborne and Quinton
Lightwood House, Adkins Lane, B67 5DP (when you arrive at the front entrance press the buzzer labelled 'House Manager'; if that doesn't work you can call 0121 429 6722)