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In Rich Fitzgerald’s final year as chief executive, Allegheny County hired more employees than it lost for the first time since before the pandemic. Sara Innamorato, who took office in January, says the county administration is still struggling to fill vacancies in its nursing homes, medical units at the jail and at the Department of Human Services.

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Our top story

Allegheny County beefed up staff — except at Kane nursing homes

Long beset by vacancies, the county managed to add human services, emergency management and even correctional employees, but has yet to shore up staffing at its nursing homes. Will new wage floors fill the gaps?



‘The time has passed’: PPS sues county to force property reassessments



National Siblings Day is a celebration born of love — and grief



The Red Line is a lifeline for Beechview’s Latino community, but the T isn’t always reliable — or bilingual

En español: La Línea Roja es la línea vital para la comunidad Latina de Beechview, pero el T no siempre es fiable – o bilingüe
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