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friend, can I share something with you?

As Debt Justice’s community organiser, I feel really privileged that I get to see the difference our campaigning makes first-hand.

In the UK, we’re in the midst of a debt crisis. 13 million of us are now struggling with debt. As the cost-of-living soars, just paying for the basic essentials can be all it takes to be pushed into the red. Once in debt, a punishing debt system can keep people trapped there, unable to break out.

But every day I get to meet people on the frontline of the debt crisis who are successfully fighting back. Like Dean in Manchester, who helped make sure that nearly 50,000 of the most vulnerable homes in the city are now safe from the threat of a bailiff visit. As well as securing extra support for those struggling with their council tax bills.

Right across the country, Debt Justice is empowering people like Dean to win change for their communities – through training, skill-sharing and simply bringing people together. But we’re facing an unprecedented debt crisis and there’s so many more people we have yet to reach.

I know that Debt Justice supporters have always been committed to ending unjust debt and the poverty and inequality it perpetuates. That’s why I’m asking today if you could give a donation of £5 to empower more people like Dean to be a catalyst for future wins.
Yes, I can give £5
Yes, I can give £10
Yes, I can give £25
Yes, I can give another amount

It’s not just in Manchester that Debt Justice activists have won change. In London, we secured a commitment from the council for £1 million worth of repairs to help prevent residents building up energy debt. And in Glasgow, campaigners got a massive £300,000 of school meal debt cancelled by the City Council.

And by raising up the voices of people experiencing debt we’re also raising the profile of the debt crisis – catalysing national changes and building the pressure on politicians to recognise the systemic causes of the debt crisis.

After Glasgow City Council was pushed to cancel school meal debt, the Scottish government followed suit and cancelled school meal debt across the whole country. Last month, the UK government removed the £90 fee to access legal debt relief that was a major barrier to people on low incomes.

But we need to go much further still. Without action, the UK’s debt crisis will continue to grow and lead to even greater poverty and hardship. I regularly speak with people who have been forced to make the kind of stark choices that no-one should have to make – like whether to skip a meal or sit in the dark and cold. This just isn’t right.

And together we can go much further. Our successes show that empowering people experiencing debt is an extremely effective way to create change.

I know that not everyone can afford to donate right now. But if you can, friend, whatever you can give will help reach more people like Dean across the UK. Each new person given the skills, confidence, and connections to lead their own campaign is a new potential campaign win. I think that’s so exciting! But I need your help to make it possible.

Could you give £5 today so together we can build the collective power of people living with debt and tackle the debt crisis head on?

Yes, I can give £5
Yes, I can give £10
Yes, I can give £25
Yes, I can give another amount

Next week, Dean will be alongside me as we take our message direct to MPs in Westminster. It inspires me to see how much he’s achieved since we first met. I can’t wait to reach more people like him with the same potential in the coming year.

Thank you for all your support, we appreciate all you do to win debt justice.

Richard Dunbar,
Community organiser – Debt Justice (formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign)

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