Coming soon to a parking lot near you: a hospital. Federal and state officials are rushing to create temporary medical centers to help patients during the pandemic.The White House recently announced that the federal government E-Brief | Logo

Ask yourself: If you think things are bad now, where do you think we will be one year from now with the media and our economy? Who would you rather see managing the economy: the party that supports free enterprise and growth, or the party that wants socialism and marxism? The media panders to the latter. The MRC works overtime to hold these media institutions accountable.
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The Kavanaugh Roasters Hide Biden's Accuser

By Tim Graham | 03 Apr 2020

When It's Over, Will We Be the Same America?

By Patrick J. Buchanan | 03 Apr 2020


Tell Pelosi And McConnell to federally defund PBS / NPR, and to use that money for essential healthcare needs during the coronavirus pandemic.


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