Please note: the CND national office is temporarily closed as a precaution due to the coronavirus. Here's how to contact us during this period.

You Can't Nuke a Virus
A live broadcast by CND
3pm Saturday 4 April 2020

Join CND's Kate Hudson and Dave Webb for a live discussion about how the pandemic has exposed government security failures, the US's nuclear war games, how CND will campaign during the pandemic, and more.

There will be time to take questions. Please drop us an email with your question and we will discuss some of these during the webinar.

If you're a Facebook user, you can watch the discussion live from 3pm by visiting

If you're not a Facebook user, you can join us by registering to watch the meeting on Zoom.

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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
162 Holloway Road
London, London N7 8DQ
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