This election is going to come down to turnout, John.

John — If Democrats are going to take back the U.S. House and win up and down the ballot in November, we have to have a strong corps of trained organizers.

That’s why our mobilization teams here at the California Democratic Party are planning to hold a mass training for staffers who will work on races in our ultra-competitive Central Valley.

But here’s the problem: We need to raise $6,750 more to ensure we have the resources required to pull this off. Will you chip in $15 or $35 right now? >>

CHIP IN $5 >>

CHIP IN $15 >>

CHIP IN $35 >>

CHIP IN $55 >>

CHIP IN $105 >>

This election is going to come down to turnout, John. And with so many competitive seats in California’s Central Valley, we want to FLOOD the region with organizers who can knock on doors, make phone calls, and help flip seats from red to blue.

But right now we don’t have enough staffers who are trained up for the countless key races here. That’s why we want to hold a comprehensive training on-site in the Central Valley. We will be training organizers in both English *and* Spanish so that we can effectively reach out to ALL undecided voters in the area — no matter their primary language.

Will you support this critical effort to staff up in California’s make-or-break region for control of the U.S. House?

You can donate directly to our fundraising efforts at this link here:

Thank you so much,

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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States