The Trevor Project
An orange background with an illustration of two people facing each other. The image includes yellow stars throughout and one of the figures is holding a star.

Hi Friend,

At The Trevor Project, we’re lucky to hear stories all the time from adults who support and affirm the LGBTQ+ young people in their lives.

This parent and Trevor supporter shared with us their child’s mental health journey and happy well-being.

“When my child came out as bi and non-binary, I realized how much of their anxiety and depression were because of their struggles with self acceptance. Even though we still fumble over pronouns, we love their name and use it all the time. Our child is thriving now.”

Acts of affirmation and support are life-changing — even life-saving. Every Trevor counselor provides affirmation and support to the young people who reach out via call, text, or chat — letting every one of them know that they’re accepted and loved just the way they are.

And you can provide that affirmation and support today with your first gift to Trevor.


When LGBTQ+ young people have access to high-quality crisis services, resources, and community, they are: less likely to be in mental health crisis, less likely to be placed at risk for suicide, and more likely to thrive.

Every LGBTQ+ young person who seeks affirmation, connection, hope, and support can turn to The Trevor Project and our loving community. Friend, you’re part of our community, too. Today I’m asking you to deepen your commitment with your first gift, because together we can make sure every LGBTQ+ young person who reaches out knows that they’re not alone.


Thank you for being there for LGBTQ+ young people and helping them feel loved and accepted.

With appreciation and in community,

Duyen Spigelman
Senior Philanthropy Manager

We couldn't do our work without your support.

Friend, help ensure that every LGBTQ+ young person looking for mental health support is able to access The Trevor Project’s crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and mental health services. Make your compassionate gift to The Trevor Project today.

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the leading organization working to end LGBTQ+ youth suicide in the U.S. and Mexico.

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