Marcy is one of our strongest champions for Social Security. Republicans' latest plans to cut the program show why we need her in Congress more than ever.
Marcy Kaptur for Congress

Friend, House Republicans just proposed new cuts to Social Security in their 2025 budget.

They want to raise the retirement age, depriving millions of Americans of the benefits they've earned through years of hard work.

Friend, millions of seniors rely on Social Security to make ends meet every month. They deserve better than these relentless attacks on our most vital and effective earned benefit programs.

Since Marcy's first day in Congress, she's been one of our strongest champions for Social Security and Medicare. She's a proud sponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act, a historic bill to protect and fully fund Social Security through the end of the century.

Will you join Marcy's fight to protect Social Security by becoming an official citizen cosponsor of our bill?

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Thank you, friend.

— Team Kaptur

Marcy Kaptur is the longest-serving woman in Congress. But right now Republicans are trying everything to steal this seat from her. Winning seats like this will be key for Democrats to hold onto our slim majority in Congress.

Can you donate now to help Democrat Marcy Kaptur win in one of the most competitive races in the whole country?

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Kaptur for Congress
PO Box 899
Toledo, OH 43697
United States