HUGE NEWS: “U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar to seek re-election in 2024”

Amy Klobuchar

Do you approve of Senator Amy Klobuchar?

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NO >>
**[email protected]: RESPONSE NEEDED BY MIDNIGHT**

Amy Klobuchar is a proven CHAMPION of progressive causes and of President Biden’s agenda.

She has been fighting tirelessly to:

🔷 End the filibuster;

🔷 Pass D.C. Statehood;

🔷 Codify Roe v. Wade into federal law;



This year is a difficult Senate map for Democrats. We cannot afford to lose one seat, so reelecting Amy Klobuchar is a necessity.

We need to make sure our supporters are united in support of Amy Klobuchar, so tap here or below to give us your opinion >>

Do you approve of Senator Amy Klobuchar?

YES >>
NO >>
Response needed

Thank you for your participation.

Democratic Victory Project

Paid for by March On PAC
Copyright 2024 March On PAC
9878 W Belleview Ave Ste 2009
Denver, CO 80123

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