A new message from your friends at People For the American Way.
[ [link removed] ]Urge Sec. Mnuchin to preserve the independence of the special investigator
Dear PFAW Member,
The latest coronavirus spending package included $500 billion dollars in
loans and grants to businesses. We need to make sure this money is used
for strategic investments to jumpstart the economy, NOT a blank check for
the Trump administration to line the wallets of big corporations.
[ [link removed] ]Sign our petition demanding bipartisan oversight of money going to big
Democrats fought hard to make sure that these coronavirus relief packages
not only include provisions to support hard-working Americans who will
bear the brunt of economic instability, but also regulations and oversight
for the money going to bail out various industries. Absolutely central to
this oversight is the appointment, by Congress, of an independent Special
Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery.
But now, even after signing the legislation into law, President Trump has
released a statement that his office does not have to respect the
authority of Congress to oversee the appointment of Special Inspector
General! This is unacceptable.
Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, must protect the integrity of
the Special Inspector General. Administration of the law is not optional
especially when there is $500 billion of taxpayer funds on the line.
[ [link removed] ]Sign our petition insisting that Mnuchin do his job and protect the
office of the Special Inspector General NOW!>>
Thank you for doing your part to ensure that this money isn't a blank
check for corporations.
Wishing you and your family safety and health,
Charlie, PFAW
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