Dear Friend,
Latina women are the powerhouse of their communities -- they decide everything from what is on the table for dinner to how their families will spend money to how their communities will come together about issues they care about.
And when they’re registered to vote, Latina women turn out at an incredible 84%. This is why California now has Latina legislators in several seats, and 22 of 80 Assembly districts have majority Latina voters.(1)
Latina women can drive real progressive wins at the polls this year -- but there are two barriers to success. First, only about half of eligible Latina women are registered to vote.(2) And second, these critical voters are feeling disaffected and ignored, with many turning to Republican policies as a result.(3)
Courage California, Lúcete/Communities for a New California, and Data for Social Good unlocked the power of the Latina vote in our recent virtual town hall, and the session became incredibly popular. So we are taking this town hall in-person and on the road to help engage thousands of Latina voters statewide!
We want to be able to include as many Latina community leaders as possible in our Latina Voter Town Halls in order to create a wave at the polls in November. Will you chip in to help fund our meeting space, election materials, and everything we need to make this road show a success?
In the last census, Latinxs made up the largest group in California for the first time ever.
That doesn’t mean this population votes as a bloc or all have the same interests. Unfortunately, politicians often treat Latinx voters that way -- swooping into town in the few weeks before an election to talk about immigration and border issues, even though polls show that Latina voters’ top issues are actually child care, the economy, and inflation -- which concern all of us.(4)
This ignorance turned Latina voters off in 2022. Voter registration didn't keep pace with population growth. Worse, GOP candidates gained 10 points in Latinx-majority districts over 2020.(5) If we have any hope of a more equitable and just California, we need to get the message out of why progressive policies meet Latina voters' needs.
Our Primary Power: The Latina Vote town hall changed the narrative. We had on-the-ground Latina leaders, including from Courage California, talk about the messages that are resounding most with Latina voters and how we can best reach them. We talked about Courage Voter Guide and why it’s such an important tool for turning out voters. And we heard from districts where Latina powerhouses have won big at the ballot box! In the end, more than 100 community leaders took away the information they need to engage Latina voters in their community.
The town hall was so successful that we are taking our show on the road so that we can engage more grassroots groups from more counties -- from Riverside to Contra Costa to Ventura to San Diego -- in how to reach the Latina voters in their districts. This is a critical pipeline of voters for making real progress in California, and we need your help to make these town halls a success!
Will you donate to help take our Latina Voter Town Hall on the road?
Yours in the fight for our democracy in 2024!
–Irene, Annie, Angela, Isidra, Mario, Marvin, Alyssa, Jen, and Lindsay (the Courage team)
Footnotes: 1. https://spotlight.newsreview.com/cnc-education-fund/community/local-issues/our-voice-our-choice-our-california-latina-political-power-in-2022-and-the-foreseeable-future/ 2. https://www.ppic.org/publication/race-and-voting-in-california/ 3. https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/11/california-election-latino-voters/ 4. https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/11/california-election-latino-voters/ 5. https://www.sacbee.com/news/equity-lab/article273105465.html