
The American people are getting fed up with an out-of-control government that runs roughshod over good people like you.

Thanks to the actions of patriots, the U.S. House today failed to advance a bill which would renew the Spy State’s “crown jewel” – Section 702 of the Foreign Service Intelligence Act (FISA).

For weeks now, your Campaign for Liberty has flooded Congress with petitions, faxes, and phone calls, demanding real reform to Section 702 and to stop the illegal spying on innocent Americans.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) didn’t want to listen and put forth a bill that is worse than the current FISA law.

Today, that bill didn’t even make it to a full floor vote in the U.S. House because our representatives heard from people like you and other Campaign for Liberty supporters: we have had enough!

But the battle is far from over.

As of right now, Section 702 will expire on April 19. We don’t expect that to happen.

Johnson will either put forth a short-term extension of Section 702 as is exists today, or he’ll rush a bill out that may or may not include a warrant requirement.

Or will the Spy State get their way and push another outrageous bill, worse than the last one?

We’re watching.

We’ll keep you updated. And we’ll keep the pressure on Congress to follow the Constitution!

For liberty,

John McCardell

P.S. Thanks to patriots like you who signed your petitions, sent your e-cards, and made phone calls to Congress, you and I stopped the fake Section 702 “reform” bill dead in its tracks . . . for now.

With only 9 days until Section 702 expires, the Spy State will be working hard to get a full renewal in place or another bad bill that expands Section 702.

We cannot let our guard down now. Please send in your generous donation now – whether it be $2,000 or $200 or $20 – to help Campaign for Liberty stop the illegal spying on innocent Americans.

If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.

If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162.

The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.