John, I’ve gotten a lot of pushback since I first announced I was running for Congress. People said I was too young. That I didn’t look or act like a Congressman. That my legislative priorities were too pie-in-the-sky.

But there’s one subject Republicans can’t get enough of attacking me for: not being rich.

What they don’t realize is that their favorite attack line is actually something we need more of.

We need and deserve young, working, everyday people in Congress who know firsthand the struggles of the working class – and I’m proud to represent us. But increasing our ranks means building an unbeatable organizing movement, and to do that, I need as much grassroots support as I can get. I need you, John.

If you believe in having representatives who can actually represent the lives real people live, will you chip in to my campaign right now? Every dollar helps me keep fighting for us in Congress, and build a fair future for the working class >>


I’ll never apologize for having humble beginnings – because my family fought to give me what chances I’ve had. My abuela, mom, and aunt fled Cuba in the 1960s with no money, and without knowing English. My abuela worked multiple factory jobs just to give her kids a better shot.

It’s her legacy I’m carrying forward when I walk onto the House floor, John. Because working people know – we’re in this together.

But let’s be real: You shouldn’t have to be working class to care about working class priorities. You don’t need to be rejected by an apartment, or become houseless, or drive Uber to make ends meet – all of which I’ve done – to know that our economy isn’t working for everybody. You just have to care.

I’m fighting to stay in Congress because I care, John. But the born-rich Republican donor class hates that, and will spend whatever it takes to hold me back. I need your help to stay here and build the world we deserve despite them. Will you rush $27 to my campaign right now to win for the working people? >>

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In this together,

Maxwell Frost

Maxwell Frost for Congress
PO Box 772671
Orlando, FL 32877-2671
United States
Maxwell is an organizer representing Florida's 10th Congressional District in Congress. He isn't taking any corporate PAC, big sugar, or fossil fuel contributions. He needs your help to protect this seat for poor and working-class people. Will you become a Founding Donor of this movement today?

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