Weekly Reads
“Payout ought to be one of the vital issues of the day. An increase of payout in grants of a mere one percent could increase foundation spending by $6-7 billion or more.” [more]
—Rick Cohen, in Nonprofit Quarterly
“Foundations and funders have an opportunity. The first issue is the immediate crisis — whatever it takes for us to flatten the public-health curve. The second issue is the knock-on effects, which are going to hit six or nine months from now. For many organizations, that will prove to be the bigger hit.” [more]
—Maya Winkelstein, Open Road Alliance, in Chronicle of Philanthropy
“There is no doubt that everyone … will feel the impact of COVID-19 in some way. But people who are already targeted, marginalized, and underserved will feel more pain than others. For these communities, COVID-19 comes on top of existing economic, health, education, gender and information inequities, as well as state violence that has shaped their everyday lives.” [more]
—Lori Villarosa, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE), in Nonprofit Quarterly
"Given the current pandemic and economic crisis, nonprofit CEOs’ concerns about decreasing giving, declining revenue, and a recession are likely more severe now than they were four months ago when we surveyed them. How can you best support these leaders through this crisis?" [more]
––National Center for Family Philanthropy blog
“The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the absence of crisis management teams, protocols, and plans in both nonprofits and funders.” [more]
—Nicole Campbell, Build Up Advisory Group blog